
Leaked emails reveal major safety risks of Slovakian nuclear power plant

PRESS Slovak

    Uniklé emaily odhalují bezpečnostní rizika slovenské jaderné elektrárny
    Rádi bychom se vrátili k otázce ohledně Slovenské Elektrárne, jaderné elektrárně umístěné v Mochově na Slovensku, řízené společností ENEL. Z uniklých emailů získanách ze společnosti STF Controlli (STF S.p.A) a osobních účtů zaměstnanců společnosti Ansaldo vyplývá, že reaktory číslo 3 a 4 byly postaveny pracovníky bez jakýchkoli znalostí a bez patřičné dokumentace.
    Z uniklých emailů vyplývá, že dokumenty, jež STF Controlli prezentovala společnosti ENEL, byly zkresleny tak, aby zakryly mnoho problémů týkajících se těchto dvou reaktorů, které se blíží svému dokončení.
    Mimo jiné jsme uvolnili seznam součástí trpících kritickýmy nedostatky. Vedle identifikačního čísla   každé komponenty je závažnost jejího nedostatku, jež je v nemálo případech označen slovem „KRITICKÝ“. V tomto seznamu jsou takovýchto komponent desítky.
    Nejen že tedy byly reaktory 3 a 4 (stejně jako reaktory 1 a 2) postaveny bez dvojitých ochraných stěn, a to ze stejného materiálu, jeký se používal pře stavbě elektrárny v Černobylu, ale navíc stavbu provádějí nekvalifikovaní pracovníci.
    Na  závěr tedy opakujeme, že stavba reaktoru číslo 3 a 4 je velice riskantní.


We want to return to the question of the Slovenské Elektrárne nuclear power plant controlled by ENEL located in Mochove, Slovakia. We contend that the emails obtained from STF Controlli (STF S.p.A) and from the private account of an Ansaldo's member demonstrate that reactors numbers 3 and 4 were built by workers without any skills and without any documented supervision.

The documents that "STF Controlli" showed to ENEL were manipulated to hide many problems of the two reactors, which are nearing completion..
This has been proved by means of the released emails. We have also released the list of the nuclear plant's parts affected by critical problems. Next to the identification code of all components is indicated the severity of the problem that in some cases is indicated by the word "CRITICAL". There are tens of components at serious risk.

We want you to become directly aware of what we support, so refer to the press already published which contains the verbatim transcript of the passage of the emails that prove the above.
But this is only a small part of the documents released on Mochovce's power plant, so we invite you to examine the contents of the entire archive.

This is posted on the BLOG or directly to this link
OR http://pastebin.com/FAWeYtBV (zippyshare.com mirror link)

We give everyone the freedom to personally judge the value of the information mentioned above.

So in the final analysis, any remaining doubts about the safety of the nuclear power plant are cleared, not only environmental groups show that reactors 3 and 4 (as number 1 and 2) were built without double walls of containment and use old Soviet produced material from before the Chernobyl disaster. As demonstrated by the data released, these substandard materials were assembled by totally unqualified personnel and safety certificates issued to ENEL have been altered to hide the numerous poorly done works.
In addition, we repeat, the endless list of components affected by the malfunctioning cited above proves conclusively that, as we presumed utilising Soviet technologies of which reactors 3 and 4 are composed is extremely insecure. 
Stop the nuclear, Mochovce's power plant must close!


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