
#OpGPII #NOTAV Dites non à la ligne ferroviaire Turin-Lyon

Official site of the Rhône-Alpes region

modesdoux.rhonealpes.fr and
more than 100 subdomain DEFACED! 

Source Video : http://vimeo.com/113587068 
 visit Anonymous Video Network: http://www.anonymousvideo.eu


I gerarchi politicanti della regione Rhône-Alpes (Francia) sono evidentemente sostenitori della costruzione della linea ferroviaria Torino-Lione e sono responsabili per tale progetto, come provano i seguenti fatti:

Il presidente della regione Rhône-Alpes presiede il comitato che insieme al prefetto e ad altre autorità sorveglia lo svolgimento de lavori della linea "Lione-Sillon Alpin".

Il consiglio regionale di Rhône-Alpes ha organizzato dibattiti per fare pressione e ottenere lo stato di massima priorità per la linea, ritenendo il governo francese addirittura troppo tiepido nei confronti del progetto.
Ricordiamo che il solo tratto ferroviario nella regione Rhône-Alpes avrà un costo stimato di 8,5 miliardi di Euro pubblici, mentre le spese totali per la TAV si aggirano attorno ai 30 miliardi.

Anonymous si batte contro la costruzione della linea ferroviaria Torino-Lione; un progetto inutile che devasta ambienti incontaminati e mette a repentaglio la salute pubblica a causa della tossicità e a volte anche radioattività dei materiali risultanti dalla attività dei cantieri.
In Francia come in Italia le popolazioni insorgono contro questo mega progetto ma i politicanti disumani, corrotti e impegnati nel garantire affari d'oro ai loro compari imprenditori del cemento (edilizia),incrementano  la repressione poliziesca colpendo con mano fascista chi esprime il proprio dissenso. 
Ricordiamo alcuni dei nomi degli eroi NOTAV colpiti dalla repressione poliziesca e perciò ingiustamente incriminati:
Chiara, Claudio, Mattia, Niccolò, Lucio, Francesco, Graziano LIBERI SUBITO!

Vili padroni sfruttatori, giganteschi parassiti degli esseri umani e della natura: per voi tutto ciò che esiste non rappresenta altro che un possibile valore economico, ma la coscienza  delle popolazioni ribelli e la lotta di Anonymous non si comprano col vostro nauseabondo denaro né in ogni altro modo

We are Anonymous 
We are legion 
We do not forgive 
We do not forget 
Expect us 


Nous sommes Anonymous,

Nous nous  battons contre la construction de la ligne ferroviaire Turin / Lyon; un projet inutile qui ravage l'environnement et met en danger la santé  publique des travailleurs ainsi que des  habitants. Danger réel quand on sait que les matériaux résultant des activités des chantiers sont toxiques et parfois radioactif. 

Le Conseil général de la région Rhône-Alpes est un partisan majeur de cette ligne Turin-Lyon aini qu'un des principaux responsable de ce projet, comme en témoignent les  faits suivants:

1)  Le Président de la Région Rhône-Alpes préside le comité avec le préfet  et d'autres autorités afin de superviser la mise en œuvre des travaux de  la ligne TGV "Lyon-Sillon Alpin".

 2°)  Le conseil régional a organisé un débat pour faire pression et  redonner un statut de première priorité au projet Lyon-Turin considérant  que le gouvernement français, n'était pas assé motivié pour le projet.
La ligne de chemin de fer dans la région Rhône-Alpes aura un coût  estimé à 8,5 milliards d'euros publique, tandis que le total des dépenses pour ce projet est autour de 30 milliards.

Beaucoup de Français & italiens se révoltent contre ce méga projet, mais la classe politique, inhumaines, corrompues et impliquées dans ce projet pour assurer les bénéfices des entrepreneurs, fait monter un climat de répression policière "fasciste" autour de la zone de  chantier. 

Nous souhaitons aussi dédier cette action en honneur à ces héros aujourd'hui emprisonnés
Chiara, Claudio, Mattia, Niccolò, Lucio, Francesco, Graziano...
Certains pour plus de 9 ans, ces personnes qui osent porter l'action à la hauteur de leurs convictions, qui n'ont pas hésité à faire face à ce projet, mais qui malheureusement ont été touchés par la répression policière, injustement accusé.

Multinationnales, décideurs et parasites, exploitant l'homme et la nature; pour vous la vie n'a de valeur qu'en son coût économique. Mais n'oubliez pas, la prise de conscience atteint le peuple qui  commence à se rebeller et notre lutte ne peut pas être achetée avec votre argent ou de toute autre nauséabonde façon.

Nous sommes Anonymous
Nous sommes Légion
Nous ne pardonnons pas
Nous n'oublions pas
Redoutez nous


The hierarchs politicos of the region Rhône-Alpes (France) are obviously supporters of the railway line Turin-Lyon(TAV)' construction and responsible for this project, as underlined by the following facts:

1st) President of the Rhône-Alpes chairs the committee wich oversee the railway line Lyon-Sillon Alpin work's implementation along with the prefect and other authorities

 2 ° The Regional Council of Rhône-Alpes has held discussions to pressure and get the status of highest priority for the line, deeming the French government even too indifferent to the project.

We recall that the railway line in the Rhône-Alpes region, will have an estimated cost of 8.5 billion Euro public, while the total expenditure for the TAV is about 30 billion.

Anonymous is fighting against the construction of the railway line between Turin and Lyon; a useless project wich ravages pristine environments and endangers public health:
the material resulting from the activities of the yards is toxic and sometimes radioactive.

In France as in Italy populations rise up against this mega project but the politicos are inhumane, corrupt and involved in ensuring a roaring to building companies, so, like fascists, they increase the police repression hitting people who express their dissent.
We remember some of notav heroes affected by police repression and therefore unjustly indicted:
Chiara, Claudio, Mattia, Niccolò, Lucio, Francesco, Graziano  FREE NOW!

Evil masters exploiters, giant parasites of humans and nature: for you everything exists is merely a possible economic value, but the consciousness of the rebel people and struggle of Anonymous can not be bought with your nauseating money or in any other way.

We are Anonymous 
We are legion 
We do not forgive 
We do not forget 
Expect us


Anonymous #OpGPII Operation against Unnecessary Imposed Mega Projects

Twitter : @OpGPII 

PRESS French

Bonjour à tou(te)s,
Nous lançons #OpGPII : Opération contre les Grands Projets Inutiles et Imposés, en réponse au déficit démocratique de ces projets.
Depuis déjà quelques années, nous voyons le système capitaliste forcer plusieurs projets jugés aujourd'hui (avec le niveau de conscience actuelle) inutiles.
Ce système à l'agonie, aux projets absurdes, nous entraîne avec lui dans sa chutte et n'hésite pas, comme dernièrement, à aller jusqu'à tuer une personne : RemiFraisse.
Face aux Holds Up financier, usant essentiellement de fond public pour la réalisation des projets, ne valorisant pas de débat public, ne prenant pas compte des normes environnementales, utilisant la corruption pour faire passer ces projets dans l'ombre, nous, anonymous, avons décidé d'agir pour mettre la lumière sur ces projets que ce système appelle "progrès" lorsqu'ils signifient "décès commun" au profits de "quelques-uns".
Nous agirons sur :
  • - #NOTAV       Ligne TGV Lyon-Turin que ne fera que gagner une demi-heure avec 30 Milliards de fonds publics.
  • - #OpTESTET    Barrage de Sivens qui a couté la vie à Remi Fraisse (Etudiant de 21 ans)
  • - #NDDL        Aéroport de Notre Dame des Landes près de Nantes, sur terres agricoles.
  • - #BureStop    Enfouissement de déchets nucléaire à Bure
  • - #Roybon      CenterParcs et  Déstruction de la forêt de Chambaran‬
  • - #millevaches Elevage laitier d'usine à plus de 1000 vaches
  • - #GCO         Contournement de Strasbourg " Un gâchis économique et écologique "
We are Anonymous 
We are legion 
We do not forgive 
We do not forget 
Expect us 

PRESS English

Hello Everybody, Citizens of the free world.
We are launching #OpGPII : Operation against Unnecessary Imposed Mega Projects, as an answer to the democratic deficit of this projects.
Since a few years, we see the capitalist systeme force the acceptation of the building of many projects judged today (with today's awareness level) useless.
That dying system, with its no sense projects, is taking us with him in its fall, and doesn't hesitate, as recently, to go far enough to kill a person : Remi Fraisse.
Facing the financiary Hold Ups, using essentially public found for the realisation of this projects, not helping the public debate, not giving any attention of the environnemental needs, using corruption to force this projects to happen, in the shadow, WE, Anonymous, have decided to act to put the light on this projects that this system is calling "progress" when it actually means "common death", for the only benefice of a few.
We fight for :
  • - #NOTAV  TGV Lyon to Turin that will do nothing but let people arrive 30 minutes earlier for 30 billions euros from the public funds.
  • - #OpTESTET "Barrage de Sivens" which did cost the life of Remi Fraisse (21yo student)
  • - #NDDL Notre Dame Des Landes airport, situated close from Nantes, on rural lands
  • - #BureStop Burrying nuclear wastes in Bure
  • - #Roybon CenterParcs and destruction of the Chambaran Forest
  • - #millevaches Dairy industries having more than 1000 cows  
  • - #GCO Building of a highway around Strasbourg, an economic and ecologic waste.
We are Anonymous 
We are legion 
We do not forgive 
We do not forget 
Expect us

PRESS Italian

Salve, cittadini del mondo libero.
Stiamo lanciando #OpGPII: un Operazione contro i megaprogetti,non necessari e imposti in modo anti democratico.    
Progetti che il sistema capitalista ha imposto solo pochi anni fa appaiono,alla luce dell'attuale livello di conoscenza,inutili.
Tale sistema morente, con i suoi progetti senza senso, ci sta portando con sé nella sua caduta, e non esita a uccidere una persona: Remi Fraisse.
Fronteggiamo il capitale finanziario, che sta utilizzando denaro pubblico per la realizzazione di questi progetti imposti nell'ombra e grazie alla corruzione,senza alcun  dibattito pubblico,nè attenzione ai bisogni/esigenze dei cittadini e dell'ecosistema.
Noi Anonymous, abbiamo deciso di agire per mettere in luce ogni nefandezza di questi progetti che il sistema chiama "progresso", quando in realtà si tratta di "morte comune", per il solo beneficio di pochi.
  •  -con #NOTAV:la linea ferroviaria TAV Torino-Lione che forse garantirà tempi di percorrenza ridotti di 30 minuti a fronte di una natura devastata in Val Susa ed in molti altre aree Italiane e Francesi.Senza contare la minaccia costituita per la salute pubblica delle polveri e dai materiali di risulta dei lavori di perforazione.Il tutto per la esorbitante cifra di 30 miliardi di Euro dovuti a tutti i/le contribuenti.
  • -con #OpTESTET:la diga di Sivens,lottando contro la quale,Remi Fraisse è stato assassinato delle forze dell'ordine,vili macellai di uomini.Era uno studente di 21 anni.
  • -con #NDDL: l'aereoporto di Notre Dame Des Landes, situato nei pressi di Nantes, in area rurale.
  • -con #BureStop :il seppellimento di scorie nucleari radioattive nei pressi della città francese di Bure.
  • -con #Roybon:i Centerpacs, che sono una pecie di parco attrazioni (simile ad un luna park) e che sorgeranno al posto della foresra di Chambaran che verrà distrutta.
  • -con #millevaches: le industrie casearie con più di mille bovini.    
  • -con #GCO: la costruzione di un'autostrada intorno a Strasburgo,che provocherebbe uno spreco economico ed un disastro ambientale.
We are Anonymous 
We are legion 
We do not forgive 
We do not forget 
Expect us

on Fri Dec 05 00:25:39 UTC 2014




#22Nov Anonymous supports the victims of police brutality that striked once again!

[ENGLISH version] 

Dear citizens,

22th of November is an international day against police violence generated by the oppression of governments. The call out (http://anarchistnews.org/content/zad-calls-out-intl-day-against-police-november-22nd) originated from collectives (Occupants of the different ZAD - Zone À Defendre (zone to be defended)) in France after the killing of an ecologist student in a protest by an offensive grenade. His death was known by the pigs after 7 minutes but kept silent by the incompetent authorities while they were looking to blame the "violent protester". Many of our comrades all around the world have been killed or wounded in protests by their weapons while protesting against the oppression of these governments, pressured by the capitalist movement who want to impose their projects on society. We do not forget the fallen ones and we do not forgive their murderers.
Some, more radical, factions and individuals of anonymous have decided to synchronise online actions with those protesting on the street that day! We named it "Operation Anti Repression". We must inform the poeple by any tactic possible. We can no longer tolerate that people get forced on their knees by these mindless robots. Who "serves and protect" machines, capitalistic institutions and injustice. We protect the people. We fight back!

Join the movement, join the protests, join the actions!

We are Anonymous
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us .... on November the 22th

[French Version]

Chers citoyens,

Le 22 novembre est un jour international contre les violences policières générées par l'oppression des gouvernements. L'appel (http://anarchistnews.org/content/zad-calls-out-intl-day-against-police-november-22nd) a pour origine des collectifs -occupants de différentes ZAD (Zones à défendre)- suite au décès par grenade offensive d'un étudiant en écologie lors d'un rassemblement. Les flics ont été au courant de sa mort après 7 minutes mais ont été maintenus silencieux par les autorités incompétentes pendant qu'ils cherchaient à incriminer les "violents opposants". Partout dans le monde, de nombreux camarades ont été tués ou blessés par leurs armes dans des manifestations contre l'oppression de ces gouvernements,sous la pression du monde capitaliste qui veut imposer ses projets de société. Nous n'oublions pas ceux qui sont tombés, et ne pardonnons pas leurs meurtres.
Certains, plus radicaux, individus ou factions d'anonymous, ont décidé de synchroniser des actions online avec la protestation dans la rue ce jour! Nous les avons nommées "Opération Anti Répression". Nous devons informer le peuple par toutes les tactiques possibles. Nous ne pouvons pas tolérer plus longtemps que le peuple soit mis à genoux par des robots sans âmes. Qui "servent et protègent"des machines, des institutions capitalistes et l'injustice. nous protégeons le peuple. Nous ripostons!
Organisons-nous et agissons.

Rejoins le mouvement, rejoins les manifestations, rejoins les actions! 

Nous sommes Anonymous
Nous ne pardonnons pas
Nous n'oublions pas
Attendez-vous à nous...le 22 novembre

[OPERATIONS november the 22th]

PRESS Release in Italian: http://anon-news.blogspot.ro/2014/11/anonymouspoliziapenitenziaria.html

- 23 websites *.aliancepn.fr/com blocked during the whole day
11 websitwe

*Deface+DB Dump:
- http://www2.policiacivil.sp.gov.br ///// DB DUMP ///// https://anonfiles.com/file/76f9042e08422fe10d23be59edfa8d1d
- http://www.anorgend.org/  ///// user dump ///// https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1416090258483.txt

*DB Dump:
- http://www.reserve-gendarmerie.org/
        DUMP: https://anonfiles.com/file/b6f4b6a9e1af4576cec27912e70761eb
        SCREEN: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B3EeB1vCIAAAs6u.png

- http://info-crs.com/board
        DUMP: https://anonfiles.com/file/c5da0c9a267816cb0fc0dcb11060a827

- http://www.blog-fnrg.net
        DUMP: https://pad.riseup.net/p/r.f4adae14734d79b44746ac131a97d022
- http://www.zpbwest.be DUMP: https://anonfiles.com/file/29d7c7ad6b89b88bcc36a05de3ed34cc
- http://www.osapp.it DUMP: https://anonfiles.com/file/7cc73fdf8895f07706973b5d7d8e6697

[Italian Version]
Dopo giorni d'indagine siamo riusciti di nuovo nell'impresa di violare i database di svariati corpi di forze dell'ordine.Violati i database della polizia penitenziaria: pubblicate centinaia di dati personali, emails, allegati. Nulla risarcirà il dolore dei familiari delle vittime di stato, tuttavia con questa azione Anonymous li stringe metaforicamente a sè cercando almeno di costringere le forze dell'ordine, pecore sanguinarie in divisa alla trasparenza.
Invitiamo, come nostra consuetudine, ogni utente della rete a scaricare ed a leggere di persona il materiale riportato con questa operazione. 

Quasi 1000, sono le morti nelle carceri italiane dal 2002 al 2012 (vedi mappa). Per la precisione 518 sono i suicidi (56%), 183 (20%) sono le morti per malattia,177 (19%) sono le morti in carcere per le quali vi sono indagini in corso.
Si aggiungono le 26 morti in carcere per overdose e gli 11 omicidi. Per un totale di 915 detenuti morti dal 2002 al 2012. Tale conteggio non comprende le morti in questura , C.I.E., arresti domiciliari.
La fatiscenza e l'inumano sovraffollamento delle carceri italiane è evidente, ma, nostro avviso non basta a spiegare una media di circa 100 morti l'anno. Di fronte a forze dell'ordine che hanno torturato nelle caserme durante il G8 del 2001 a Genova, che hanno ripetutamente ucciso cittadini inermi sotto loro custodia (Cucchi,Aldrovandi,...) e che si sono poi permesse azioni intimidatorie verso i familiari delle vittime, la diffidenza ci sembra necessaria. Considerando quanto appena riportato, chi potrebbe davvero giurare che alcuni dei sopra indicati suicidi in carcere non siano stati in realtà omicidi provocati dagli agenti? Del resto in Italia non esiste alcuna legge contro la tortura da parte delle forze dell'ordine e le carceri rimangono luoghi di omertà dove carcerieri aguzzini possono operare senza alcun controllo.
La situazione che abbiamo descritto è indegna e rimane immutata da decenni, ciò rende palese che in realtà, al di là delle ripugnanti dichiarazioni di circostanza dei ministri in occasione dei processi per le poche morti su si è tentato di far chiarezza, è preciso interesse dello stato mantenere forze dell'ordine "fasciste", come le definì lo stesso ministro Giuliano Amato. La stessa magistratura non manca di ricordare la sua totale funzionalità agli interessi dello stato, suprema espressione dei padroni, con sentenze abominevoli come quella riguardante l'uccisione di Stefano Cucchi. Intanto poche ore fa un'altra persona caduta nelle mani delle forze dell'ordine è morta in circostanze sospette: Luigi Bartolomeo, arrestato il 21 ottobre per l'evasione dagli arresti domiciliari viene poi colto da malore e ricoverato d'urgenza all'ospedale di Loreto Mare dove muore qualche giorno dopo. L'avvocato del sig.Bartolomeo parla di "sottovalutazione delle condizioni di salute di Luigi Bartolomeo al momento dell'incarcerazione" oppure,sostiene "deve essere successo qualcosa" durante la carcerazione stessa; in altre parole o Bartolomeo è stato lasciato senza cure dai carcerieri così che andasse in coma, oppure è stato malmenato o torturato dagli agenti stessi.
Rilevando questa gravissima situazione richiamiamo la necessità di instaurare una videosorveglianza continua sui poliziotti che lavorano nelle carceri. Anonymous non ravvede in tale misura altro che un provvedimento emergenziale collo scopo di frenare al violenza poliziesca nelle carceri.

Più precisamente Anonymous rivendica:

  • Una legge contro la tortura da parte delle forze dell'ordine, che tuteli, al contrario di quanto avviene oggi, chi si trovi sotto la custodia degli agenti.
  • Una continua video sorveglianza nelle questure e nelle carceri al fine di garantire la tutela delle persone detenute o sotto la custodia degli agenti. E' necessario ricordare che tale richiesta è posta anche a causa del gran numero di "suicidi" nelle carceri italiane, circostanza che testimonia le condizioni disumane di reclusione e lascia dubbi sulla effettiva condotta della polizia carceraria.
  • Leggi che permettano di espellere dalle forze dell'ordine e di punire adeguatamente chi tra gli  agenti si sia macchiato di maltrattamenti, percosse o molestie contro persone in stato di fermo, arresto o comunque sotto custodia.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Maledetto stato: uccidi le tue vittime inermi per mezzo delle forze dell'ordine, che spesso prima le segregano nelle caserme o nelle carceri e poi ti autoassolvi tramite i tuoi tribunali che concedono l'assoluzione agli agenti massacratori. Tutto ciò è ripugnante.
Fatte queste considerazioni abbiamo deciso di intrometterci nei databse delle forze dell'ordine, 
    trafugando, centinaia di dati personali, allegati. In particolare ci siamo dedicati alla famigerata polizia penitenziaria, principale responsabile dei soprusi, spesso mortali ai danni dei detenuti. Intendiamo così dare una parziale punizione ai fautori delle nequizie che ogni giorno avvengono nelle carceri italiane e mostrare anche l'usurpatore che più si crede sicuro e immune alla legittima ira delle vittime può esser colpito e tremare.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

Federico  Aldrovandi (2005), Stefano Cucchi (2009), Riccardo Rasman (2006),  Giuseppe Uva (2008), Niki Aprile Gatti (2008), Carlo Giuliani  (2001),Massimo Casalnuovo (2011),Gregorio Durante (2011), Aldo Bianzino  (2007), Gabriele Sandri (2007), Simone La Penna (2009), Manuel  Eliantonio(2008), Marcello Lonzi (2003), Michele Ferrulli (2011), Dino  Budroni (2011), Carmelo Castro (2009),Daniele Franceschi  (2010),Giuseppe Casu (2006), Piero Bruno (1975), Giovanni Ardizzone  (1962), Rodolfo Boschi (1975), Gabriele Sandri (2007), Giuseppe Pinelli (1969).

Luciano  Isidro Diaz, Stefano Gugliotta, Luigi Morneghini, Paolo Scaroni etc..  etc.. (la lista dei morti di Stato sarebbe molto più lunga).

PoliziaPenitenziaria LEAKS EMAILS PACK
PoliziaPenitenziaria FULL DATABASE DUMP INFO (Email;Password;Address;Name;Surname;etc...)
osapp.it DUMP
(Organizzazione Sindacale Autonoma Polizia Penitenziaria)


anorgend.org user dump

DEFACE anorgend.org

reserve-gendarmerie.org DUMP
info-crs.com/board DB DUMP
policiacivil.sp.gov.br DB DUMP



Fascists and Nordist Parties are destroing immigrants, refugees and Rom' houses in Italy. We trust on you to stop them, join the international brigades in Italy

Citizens of the world 
The fascist parties Casapound and Forza-Nuova with the aid of Lega Nord party are increasing their racist and fascist activities all over Italy. 

A member of  the Casapound fascist party killed two Senegalese people in Florence on December 13th  2011. 
More recently, the Casapound party has also organized arson against Jewish markets, and targeting Jewish students with rape, as proven by Naples justice courts.
More recent fascists' actins includes:
1) On October 28th 2014, a joint group of Forza-Nuova, Casapound and Lega Nord members led by Mr. Mario Borghezio (Lega Nord eurodeputate), break into in a school for immigrants in Casalbertone (Rome). They destroyed furniture and attacked teachers and frightened away the students  in order to force them to leave the school and the country.
2) On  November 14th 2014, the aforementioned group of fascists and Lega Nord members broke into a house for children of refugees in Tor Sapienza (Rome). More information: http://goo.gl/1BgqZk
They entered the property and chased out the children, yelling racial slurs. 
Police helped the fascist group to evacuate the house for refugee children and took them away. We have to underline that this episode of  fascism arrives right after almost  a week of urban violence from the Italian citizens of Tor Sapienza  (Rome) against the children's refugees and their homes. One tactic used by fascists was throwing small bombs to refugees children houses.
3) On November 8 2014, Mr. Salvini, the leader of Lega Nord went to a Sinti's hovel in Bologna in order to taunt them, asking if they pay bills for public utilities, such as water, gas, and power. We underline that the visit of Mr.Salvini at Sinti's houses comes after years of arsonism and police aggression to Rom and Sinti's village. This is a real etnich cleansing (Chronology). It is common knowledge in Italy that the Sinti are too poor so they cannot pay for utilities and they don't use it. It is also common knowledge that Mr. Borghezio, a member of Lega Nord (the same party of Mr. Salvini) had been incarcerated by an Italian State Court for arson against clochards, homeless shelters. So Rom, Sinti and Anonymous fear that the real aim of Salvini's visits to Sinti's homes had the goal of evaluating the layout of the Sintis' village in order to attack it later with fire. Fortunately, activists from the social center stopped Salvini's car, blocking his inspection of the houses. Unfortunately, he may succeed on a later visit.
We remember that the fascist party Casapound and also Lega Nord has offices in almost the cities of Italy and has announced to increase again the fascist/racist actions against immigrants and Sinti/Rom people in the next days.

Services and houses for immigrates and refugees (most of them from Africa) and Rom and Sinti's houses in Italy needs to be constantly watched to avoid fascists violence and/or arsonism, this is exactly the aim of the international brigades. It will be a very hard work, we will have to defeat the fascist aggressors which are conspicuous and tollerated or substained by police and even by people.

Citizens of the world,
We are sure that you refuse the violence, unhumanity and violence of fascism and racism.
We will fight with all our energies in order to avoid a second fascist regime in Italy.
We need your aid to develop the International Brigades Front against fascism.
Firstly we must protect Rom, Sintis and immigrants from fascism.
Citizen of the world, come in Italy to help the resistance against fascism!

contact us : normanwillow[@]gmail.com


#Optestet : 8 domains Hacked, FrtpMidiPy.fr - tourisme-tarn.com Tango Down!

Remi died, sivens forest died : TAKE POSITION ! Fight against the government ! You have some responsability in the forest destruction Sivens. Remi we do not forget you. Expect Us

http://www.capitale-biodiversite.fr/ alliance avec NatureParif
http://www.natureparif.fr/   alliance avec : agriculture.gouv.fr
http://label-ecojardin.fr    alliance avec : developpement-durable.gouv.fr/
http://methodo-deu.fr  alliance avec : Ministère de l'Égalité des Territoires et du Logement (METL) (gouvernement)

http://www.FrtpMidiPy.fr TANGO DOWN!!

www.tourisme-tarn.com TANGO DOWN!

Travailler en partenariat avec le gouvernement, sans oser prendre clairement position
c'est être un acteur indirect de la destruction de la biodiversité et de la mort de Rémi Fraisse

#testet #tarn #sivens #Optestet #Resistance #sabotage #hack #deface #ZAD #remiFraisse #OperationGreenRights


#OpTestet Rémi, we do not forget you!



Testet, like many places on earth, is where local poeple are resisting a project, imposed on a beautiful wetland that had a bigger forest a few weeks ago, for so called social benifits. They want to build a dam where most the water will serve to irrigate massive cornfields for 20 industrial agricultures. But after some research it points to the fact that this and 15 other dams will all so serve to have water to cool ... yeah a nuclear plant in the region. The last X ôO years more and more useless, destructive projects of megalo size are getting imposed to the people that still have some contact with the natural aspects of our environments. These people are getting expropriate and getting in return enough money to rent or buy their cell in the metropoles. The land and its habitants are getting poisoned, extinct, exploited. In response to this and many other factors within our social and political structures of existence, people are looking for other forms of organizing themselfs, their environment, and to resist to the forms that we get imposed by the capitalist and fascist mouvements. ZAD testet is one of those points where this experience commes to reality. where poeple are trying to bring life to a more humain and conscious level, where solidarity and horizontal powerstructres are more valued then domination and exploitation... and hell yeah, we will fight for it! 

" To you that view everything that exists as a commodity to buy or sell in the name of vile economic profit, we say that a roll of bills will never replace the beauty of nature. Your dirty money will never eliminate the need for protests against the exploitation of man and planet. "
With this operation we want to remember who die for a right cause.

Rémi, we do not forget you! 

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

INFO DDOS protest


#Italy:The Veneto Regional Council Hacked & Exposed! Save Venice!

Anonymous is fighting to protect the environment and act against the corporations that systematically involve corruption and inefficiency. For this reason, we have fought against TAV Muos, LNG terminals, nuclear power plants, and incinerators.
Thus, we consider it necessary to express our opposition to dangers to our environment such as Moses, the system of movable panels that would protect Venice from flooding. The system has known design flaws, such as those related to the efficiency of metal hinges, which must be always be reliable during the rotation of the bulkheads, and which will be constantly submerged in saltwater.
One only needs to note the million-dollar system of bribes involving the former governor of Veneto of Forza Italy, Giancarlo Galan, to see the corruption within the system, ignoring logic over money.
We also wish to express our solidarity with organizations that fiercely oppose the crossing of the historic center of Venice by giant cruise ships that cause abnormal waves, thus putting at risk the delicate structure of the city. Massive pollution of the area is caused by fumes produced by these ships. Despite these concerns, in March the Regional Administrative Court of Veneto adjusted the right of vessels to pass through Venice until June, imposing a modest reduction of transits by 12%, and then would further consider the decision pending further action.
We also reported a story about an EFAL entity managed by Mario Ferrarelli - a former commissioner - and others who are now under investigation for fraud. The region is  choosing to extend ship throughfare at the expense of its previous European funding, which mentioned about 1,800,000 Euros embezzled by the director of the institution, which was earmarked for and never invested in the promised training of young people.
We also recall that in July, the Veneto Region has decided to halve funding for battered women's shelters. The nature of the Veneto Regional Council therefore does not differ from that of many other principals of an elitist state: while the impoverished masses are forced to fight for jobs that are less and less dignified and more underpaid and deprived of rights. Meanwhile, the powerful lords of the Veneto Region, headed by former governor Galan, pocket millions in bribes.
We can therefore reasonably assume that the entire Veneto Regional Council is nothing but a mass of ravenous parasites devoted to the robbery of the weakest.
This is proven by the disregard shown by the rulers of the Veneto renewing the right of passage of ships through the historic center of Venice, sacrificing the health of citizens and neglecting the artistic heritage in the name of financial gains due to the increase in tourism.
In the meantime, funding for women's protection and shelters has been cut in half, showing the true nature of the patriarchal system that controls Veneto by the Regional Council. In the name of all women raped, beaten, or killed by gender-based violence, we curse the entire Veneto Regional Council, made up of mysogynistic politicians.
We are firmly convinced that the citizens and taxpayers of Venice are perfectly capable of deciding the resources and means of production in the most efficient manner, making decisions without being corrupted by payoffs.
We support freedom of information and knowledge, the right to housing based on income, health and education, advocating the legalization of soft drugs, rights for homosexuals and transsexuals, the immediate approval of a law against police brutality, and the immediate closure of psychiatric hospitals that are little more than human zoos. Anonymous sided with the population in the fight against the destruction of their environment, with the Notav who oppose the TAV to citizen of Niscemi that fight against Mous, with the Brazilian Kayapo who seek to defend the Amazon rainforest against destruction caused by mega-dams, and with the inhabitants of Venice who are angry about the damage caused by Mose and Grandi Navi.
In this spirit, being among those who are facing the prevailing socio-economic elite who consciously choose to fight to herald in the revolutionary overthrow of the establishment, Anonymous has decided to disclose the entire email archive of the Regional Council of Veneto. The material posted here contains the emails and documents of these individuals, as well as members of these institutions who have communicated with third parties. This data has been collected via intrusion into the webmail host consiglioveneto.it
We believe in ensuring freedom of information, allowing everyone to see the true nature of the issue; in fact, to know precisely the reality of the situation, which will be a necessary condition for true change.
We therefore urge everyone to download and read the information disclosed by the current operation, and we implore the public to directly investigate the quoted material in order to highlight the atrocities of the power-hungry elite in Veneto, who are exploiting their city, the humans within it, and the environment for their own greed.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

Accounts list

Intranet HACK!


#MOSE for Venice #Italy


A few days after the investigation on Expo2015,a series of investigations started within MOSE.
This system, aimed at the protection of one of the most beautiful cities in the world, has a strong meaning in relation to the entire planet: in Italy we want to preserve and protect the wonders of our country.
Or at least we try.
Is there anyone with a personal idea of ​​civic engagement, which tends to forget how important a project for the community, and rather stands with his hand in his pocket, holding the project and ready to receive the money.
There is talk of 30 million fake bills, a hundred suspects, twenty arrests, the higher ranks of financing the corruption, and € 5.5 billion already guaranteed by the state. Such important work devoured from within by a system that provides an abundance of millionaire investements into a few companies that are being made richer by the workload being placed our shoulders, taking our money and disregarding the fate of a city with an ancient heritage. The purpose of accumulating all this money? Bribing for the survival of the system of power and enrichment that has always been the undercurrent.
We are Anonymous
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us

More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOSE_Project

Consorzio Venezia Nuova
Mantovani. S.p.A.
Comune Venezia
and many more will be soon




more update soon!


Today begins the week of marketing energy, and sustaining profits for the biggest companies.

EU Sustainable Energy Week HACKED!!!
more than 10.000 accounts from companies and governments

Worldbank,Bayer,ExxonMobil,Enel,Edf,GE,Shell,BP,Eni,Nokia,Intel...and many others.
operation initiative to encourage real #sustainable #energy

Hacked List:
https://docs.zoho.com/file/egrja2d5495484a724a05a2495e9e73f81dcc (filetype .csv)
https://docs.zoho.com/file/egrja900ddc3ea08942d992eee71fc6b9f024 (filetype .ods)

Europe Commission initiative in Bxl from 23-27 June 2014, 1-30 June across the EU.

This operation aims to underline the hypocrisy and deceit of the financial powers in Europe. Today begins the week of marketing energy, and sustaining profits for the biggest companies. The event is organized by the European Union, however, the list of accounts that we have stolen from the database of "www.eusew.eu" indicates that high profile companies are also involved in the profitable destruction of ecosystems. Bayer, Dow , ENEL, EDF, GE, Shell, BP, ENI, Nokia, and Intel, to name only the most famous, as well as the involvement of the WWF and the World Bank. Now everyone can see for themselves what's truly being sustained for this event; simply download the published data and perform a search by name or industry with respect to each of the aforementioned companies; in each case you will find that there are many accounts of leaders of various levels corresponding to each of them. With this you can also highlight the involvement of more or less influential members of the ministries of the environment across Europe. The affected site is managed by the organizers of the Sustainable Energy Week, so the fact that a known unsustainable industry appears in the list given to us reveals that the event organizers hold regular contact with the industries .

We invite everyone to decrypt the passwords on the list of accounts and use it to merge the databases of governments and industries, making the most of your right to freedom of information. The website "www.eusew.eu" is nothing more than a deceptive facade built for the committee of the companies whose intent is to mar the natural landscape and the health of human beings in the name of pure profit. Evidently none of the parties involved have the moral dignity to be able to discuss the defense of ecosystems and sustainable energy which stolen top secret documents aren't needed to prove. The proof is all around you, and it is a subject of many infamous abuses.

To name a few: 1.) Bayer: up until a few years ago, Bayer was producing a large amount of insecticides which are used on crops, however these insecticides are a major cause in the dissapearance of bees worldwide. We must keep in mind that in the event pollinating insects like bees become extinct, agricultural industry and production would grind to a halt, and lead to a worldwide famine. Another tragedy induced by the Bayer company resulted from one of its medical products, known as "FACTOR 8", intended for use by Hemophiliacs. This product was found to be contaminated with HIV after its use resulted in millions of deaths. It was later revealed that Bayor had knowledge of this contamination. 2.) Dow chemical: We must include the destruction caused by the explosion of the Bopal plant in India, resulting in the spread of a toxic cloud affecting hundreds of thousands of people. 3.) ENEL: The case of the Mochovce nuclear power plant, revealed by a previous operation, the veracity of which was confirmed by Greenpeace, is a nuclear power plant built with cheap materials, according to the safety standards of the 1950s ( lack of double wall containment for the radioactive material), and taking advantage of unskilled workers. The incriminating documents that prove all of this was handled on behalf of ENEL. We must also mention a report that ENEL operates power generation facilities throughout Europe that often burn toxic materials, as in the case where the company had used Torrevaldaliga coal containing sulfur residues that fall to the ground as rain laden with sulfuric acid. 4.) EDF: Among its various activities we mention the numerous French nuclear power plants that are responsible for producing various kinds of cancers and radioactive emmissions that destroy the fish and fauna of the rivers. To ensure that uranium is needed for their operation, the French president Francois Hollande did not find any more fitting solutions than to invade a defenseless country in Africa and plunder the uranium-rich subsoil. 5.) GE: We keep the Fukushima nuclear disaster in mind when it was discovered that the plant technology was provided by General Electric. 6.) Shell: Remember that your mining activities in the Niger Delta have contaminated the natural land with oil, forcing fishermen into poverty and stealing from your oil drilling pipes to survive, risking their lives in the process. 7.) BP: We mention the disaster of April 2010 caused by the oil drilling platform "Deepwater Horizon" collapsing, and the subsequent pollution of the entire Gulf of Mexico, an area where the after-effects are still present, and a devastated marine ecosystem which has been impoverishing the once thriving fishing community and related businesses of the area as well as its fishermen. 8.) ENI was also implicated in the oil exploitation in the Niger Delta and then charged with the same atrocities committed by BP. We haven't forgotten an incident similar to that of the deepwater horizon tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico occurring at the offshore oil rig Perro Negro in the congo. 9.) The WWF is part of the roundtable for sustainable production of soy, and a similar roundtable for the sustainable production of palm oil. It boils down to business committees that bring together large multinational companies that profit from destroying nature with pesticides and GMOs. Together with these organizations, the WWF is committed to certify their falsely eco-sustainable food products. The purpose of these associations is to promote the perceived legitimacy of the GMO-producing corporations and their image along with coordinating investments to buy huge tracts of land for cultivation. It is often that forested areas are being destroyed along with the animals that lived in the areas in order to make way for GMO crops. This is the fate of most of the forest, along with the orangutans of the Borneo-outans. 10.) Nokia: As evidence provided by a UN investigation suggests, we know Nokia may have been involved in a war in the congo in the beginning years of the new millenium. In fact, regardless of the conditions and methods of extraction for coltan, at that time Nokia and other mobile phone and computer-producing companies greatly increased production of the mineral . This led to the first of an endless series of wars involving numerous armed groups in the looting of Congolese coltan miners extract from poor adhesive force alone of their arms. An inhuman work in contact for at least 12 hours a day with coltan, material proven to be radioactive. The death toll for the first Congolese civil war is an estimated one million victims.

With these few examples the ignominy of large multinational groups of arrogant parasites, contempt of man and nature with the help and complicity of the European Union will start today, a week of sustainable energy. The powerful industries and governments of Europe do not fool Anonymous and OperationGreenRights with this latest marketing scheme, under the colorful lights of the site www.eusew.eu The stained brand of your names, bloodied with ruthless exploitation, are all too transparent. Bayer, Dow, ENEL, EDF, GE, Shell, BP, ENI, Nokia, Intel have committed crimes against their fellow man and they have to answer in front of all humanity, so you have no moral authority to give lessons to the world on energy or environmental sustainability. It's obvious to everyone that your only interest is to get rich as possible without regard to environmental impact. You have no credibility when you claim to stimulate new forms of energy production alternatives to oil and uranium. Anonymous wants instead to refer to a scientist of brilliant intellect, who in his presence, with abject minds poisoned by profit, you usurpers of governments and industries hardly deserve to be called "human". That scientist's name is Nikola Tesla . We quote his own words: "everyone can have free energy resources. Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can support the industrialized world without coal, oil or gas." And we would add "without uranium" to his list. In the name of this great mind and scientific soul, not subject to unclean profit, the criminal clique of state officials and their allied industries will meet their downfall. In conclusion, we speak for everyone when we demand that our people and environment must no longer be afflicted by your destructive chemicals and political subjugation.

We are Anonymous
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us
You should have expected us.