
#OpColtan, other datas found by GreenRights the protest continue

#OpColtan  mass database Leaks Release 
special thanks to MexicanH Team and other Anon who help us.
Anonymous OperationGreenRights #Opcoltan press ENG

In 1998 a war for coltan growed up. This had been prooved by UN's trial .

Firms like  Nokia,Sony,Apple,Siemens,Philips, etc... where indirectly involved in the  war because they buought a lot of coltan and other mineral exactly when the  conflict was developing. Now there is a new war in Congo and these companies are still using a lot of coltan and ores.

1998 was fourteen years ago.

Fourteen years is a long time but nevertheless Philips, Siemens have not developed any substitute for coltan.

They prefer to improve coltan based brevet and destroy nature and people.


Our attention turns to you, unscrupulously and greedy multinationals.
Behind your famous commercial images, fabricated and marked on an false Ethic, the most cruel barbarites are hidden.
Coltan,  the mineral that you use to produce capacitors of mobile phones,   besides being harmful to health, is also the sick result of enviromental  rape and enslavement of underdeveloped populations.
His  gruesome traffic conceal the abuse of human rights and the dirty,  imperialist war, wich is the daughter of greed and contempt of life in  all its meanings.
We can not remain indifferent to greedy profiteers whose revenues are  derived from the suffering of a colonized, oppressed and  exploited  people, forced to work in inhuman conditions and paid with meager  wages.
We also can not remain indifferent to the accomplices of environmental devastation.
Your work is unworthy: if you break the Life, we violate your sites.

Appeal  to the Citizens of the World: while self-styled advertising campaigns  boast the next technological item, thousands of children are deprived of  their childhood, their bloody hands don't know what a toy is, and they excavate constantly, searching for a mineral wich is harmful to health. Thousands of fathers and mothers also work up to 72 hours without any  protection, being enslaved and humiliated. Coltan is deleterious for  human rights, for environment, and also for health. Do not be complicit  in this mess, make your voice heard, read up, stand up, fight to restore  dignity to those who are without because of the dirty work of "democratic" giants of marketing.
"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." (Elie Wiesel)

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect Us!

La nostra attenzione si rivolge a voi, avide Multinazionali senza alcuno scrupolo.
Dietro  le vostre celeberrime immagini commerciali, costruite ad arte ed  improntate su un'Etica solo apparente, si celano le barbarie più truci.
Il  coltan, minerale che impiegate  per produrre i condensatori dei  cellulari, oltre ad essere nocivo per la salute è il frutto malato dello  stupro ambientale e della riduzione in schiavitù delle popolazioni  sottosviluppate.  Dietro il suo macabro traffico si celano la  prevaricazione dei diritti Umani e una sporca guerra imperialista figlia  della cupidigia e sprezzante della Vita in tutte le sue accezioni.
Non  possiamo rimanere indifferenti davanti ad ingordi profittatori i cui  introiti derivano dalla sofferenza di un popolo colonizzato, oppresso e  sfruttato, costretto a lavorare in condizioni disumane e retribuito con  miseri salari.
Non possiamo rimanere impassibili dinanzi ai complici della  devastazione Ambientale.
Il vostro operato è indegno: se voi violate la Vita, noi violiamo i vostri siti.

Appello  ai Cittadini del Mondo: mentre sedicenti campagne pubblicitarie  millantano l'ultimo nato nella casa dei colossi tecnologici, migliaia di  bimbi vengono privati della loro infanzia; le loro mani   insanguinate  non sanno cosa sia un giocattolo, e scavano continuamente alla ricerca  di un minerale deleterio per la salute. Migliaia di padri e di madri  lavorano anche fino a 72 ore di fila senza tutela alcuna, schiavizzati,  umiliati. Il Coltan è deleterio per i diritti Umani, per l'ambiente, per  la salute. Non siate complici di questo scempio, fate sentire la vostra  voce, documentatevi, ribellatevi, combattete per restituire una dignità  a chi ne è privo per opera dei “democraticissimi” colossi del  marketing.
“Prendi  posizione. La neutralità favorisce sempre l'oppressore, non la vittima.  Il silenzio incoraggia sempre il torturatore, mai il torturato.” (Elie  Wiesel)

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Forgive
We do not Forget
Expect Us!

Nuestra atención se dirige a ustedes, multinacionales sin escrúpulos y codiciosas.
Detrás de sus famosas imágenes comerciales fabricados y marcados en una Ética falsa, las más crueles barbaries están ocultas.
Coltán, el mineral que ustedes usan para producir condensadores de teléfonos móviles, además de ser perjudicial para la salud, es también el enfermo resultado de una violación ambiental y la esclavitud de poblaciones subdesarrolladas. Su macabro tráfico de ocultar el abuso de los derechos humanos y la guerra sucia, imperialista, la cual es hija de la codicia y el desprecio de la vida en todas sus acepciones.
No podemos permanecer indiferentes ante los especuladores codiciosos cuyos ingresos se derivan del sufrimiento de un colonizados, oprimidos y explotados, obligados a trabajar en condiciones inhumanas y pagado con exiguos salarios.
Asimismo, no podemos permanecer indiferentes ante los cómplices de la devastación del medio ambiente.
Su trabajo es indigno: si ustedes rompen la vida, nosotros violamos sus sitios.

Apelación a los ciudadanos del mundo: Mientras que con estilo-propio las campañas de publicidad cuentan con el próximo elemento tecnológico, miles de niños se ven privados de su infancia, sus manos manchadas de sangre no son un juguete, y excavan constantemente en busca de un mineral que es perjudicial para la salud. Miles de padres y madres trabajan hasta 72 horas sin ningún tipo de protección, son esclavizados y humillados. El coltan es perjudicial para los derechos humanos, para el medio ambiente, y también para la salud. No seamos cómplices de este desastre, hacer oír su voz, leer, ponerse de pie, luchar para devolver la dignidad a aquellos que no la tienen por el trabajo sucio de los "democráticos" los gigantes de la comercialización.
"Siempre tenemos que tomar partido. La neutralidad ayuda al opresor, nunca a la víctima. El silencio alienta al verdugo, nunca al atormentado".(Elie Wiesel)

Somos Anonymous
Somos Legión
No perdonamos
No olvidamos

This act from Anonymous is not intended to damage anyone. Our aim is to show information that otherwise people would ignore. #OperationGreenRights n1.3) Right to online demonstration

SIEMENS DB siemens.ch  LEAKS part 1

NEW SIEMENS DB siemens.ch LEAKS part 2 + Press (ENG-ITA_ESP)

password ,contacts etc.. from the site database advance.philips.com data release

 database fujitsugeneral.com.br (Press + Leaks)


[update 27/08/2012] AVX you are guilty for crimes against Congo's Nature and people

AVX It's a big firm wich produce ceramic and tantalum capacitors, connectors, thick and thin film capacitors, resistors and integrated passive components.

AVX was directly involved in Congo war of 1998.
UN accused AVX, and many other firms to be interested in illegal coltan extraction and war in DRC
( Democratic Repubblic of Congo )
Usually Coltan was stolen by war groups from Congo mines and carried out to the firms.
Million of people lost their lives in Congo war, nature was destroied in order to dig coltan and a lots of gorillas were killed.
Unfortunatelly UN decided to abandon the case and never punish the responsibles of the war an nature devastation.

Coltan, and more other minerals, are digged whith bare hands with an exhausting and unsafe work. 
Coltan is quite radioactive so miners have terrible illness.
Also a commitee by the english government called RAID collected imputations against TRAXYS and other firms involved in Congo war. Mrs Feeney was an important member of RAID's committee.
She said that UN received strong pressures from USA and other counrties in order to stop the trial,she also said that the accuses were true.
So,now in 2012 the situation in Congo is not far from 1998. A civil war has grew up in Kivu, east Congo, in 2012 and it's due to the warlord Mr.Ntaganda formerly involved in 1998 war for coltan. We underline that
Kivu in very rich in coltan mines. So we know that AVX was directly involved in Congo's
war in 1998 but no one force them to pay for their crimes and in 2012 no one can guarantee that AVX is not taking coltan from Congo's war areas.

AVX and other involved firms published an ethical code in 2010; they claim that they don't get tantalium from war areas.
NOW a new civil war is growing up in Congo and is totally hypocrite to share DRC in different areas in order to say that some of these are war free.
AVX, UN trial refused to punish you, but operationgreenrights doesn't forget.
AVX, is the time to pay for your crimes, the trial is the whole mankind.

Our aim is to controll every single data of the aforementioned database. Ovbiously the Dump is very big, so we invite people and journalist to controll the datas personally. At a first look we notice that the db contain a long list of email contacts from the majors of  technology.
This proof that big firms like Microsoft, Siemens, Motorola, etc. are still buying technology from AVX.
Majors, as everyone knows that AVX had been formerly accused by UN, but they are not interested about so they continue to pay AVX in order to produce parts for cellphone, computers etc.
We release the dump of database from www.avx.com so that everyone can investigate in order to proof your misdeeds.

We ask for a new trial by the UN in order to invesitgate AVX's activities and other major companies in the DRC and in other war areas.
Naturally, the bad working conditions of miners and the respect for the ecosystem should be investigated.
At the moment, Anonymous #Operationgreenrights continues in its effort to sort out the truth about the illegal ore trade.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We don't forget.
We don't forgive.
Expect us!

Press FRA # OperationGreenRights OpColtan fase II Press AVX

AVX vous êtes coupable de crimes contre la nature et les gens du Congo

AVX c 'est une grand entreprise qui fait des condensateurs et des connecteurs en céramique et le tantale, condensateurs contre vents et marées (film), des résistances et des composants passifs intégrés

AVX  a été directement impliqués dans la guerre au Congo de 1998.

Des Nations Unies accusé AVX et de nombreuses autres entreprises de s'intéresser à l'extraction du coltan illégale et de la guerre en RDC (République démocratique du Congo).
Habituellement, le coltan a été volé par des groupes de guerre des mines du Congo et apporter aux entreprises.
Des millions de personnes ont perdu leurs vies dans la guerre au Congo, la nature a été détruit pour extraire le coltan et les gorilles ont été tués.
Malheureusement, les Nations Unies ont décidé d'abandonner l'affaire et de ne pas punir les responsables de la dévastation de la nature à cause de la guerre.

Le coltan et d'autres minerais sont extraits à mains nues un travail éreintant et dangereux.
Le coltan est très radioactifs pour de nombreux mineurs ont une maladie terrible.
En outre, une commission du gouvernement britannique appelé RAID recueilli des accusations contre Traxys et les entreprises des autres personnes impliquées dans la guerre au Congo. Mme Feeney était un membre éminent du Comité RAID.
Elle a déclaré que les Nations Unies ont reçu de fortes pressions des États-Unis et d'autres pays, afin d'arrêter le processus, il a également dit que l'accusation était vraie. Donc, maintenant en 2012, la situation au Congo n'est pas loin de 1998. Une guerre civile a grandi dans le Kivu, dans l'est du Congo, en 2012 et est due à M. Ntaganda seigneur de la guerre qui a été impliqué, en 1998, une bataille pour le coltan. nous soulignons que
Kivu très riche en mines de coltan. Nous savons donc que AVX a été directement impliqué dans la guerre au Congo
en 1998, mais personne ne les oblige à payer pour leurs crimes en 2012 et nul ne peut garantir que vous ne prenez pas AVX coltan provenant des zones de guerre du Congo.

Donc, maintenant en 2012, la situation au Congo n'est pas loin de 1998. Une guerre civile a grandi dans le Kivu, dans l'est du Congo, en 2012 et est due à M. Ntaganda seigneur de la guerre qui a été impliqué, en 1998, une bataille pour le coltan. nous soulignons que
Kivu très riche en mines de coltan. Nous savons donc que AVX a été directement impliqué dans la guerre au Congo
en 1998, mais personne ne les oblige à payer pour leurs crimes en 2012 et nul ne peut garantir que vous ne prenez pas AVX coltan provenant des zones de guerre du Congo.

Notre objectif est de vérifier chaque élément de données dans la base de données ci-dessus. Évidemment, le dump est très large, de façon à inviter les gens et les journalistes à vérifier les données à caractère personnel. Au premier coup d'œil, vous remarquerez que la base de données contient une longue liste de contacts e-mail de la technologie majeure.
Cela prouve que les grandes entreprises telles que Microsoft, Siemens, Motorola, etc, continuent d'acheter la technologie à partir AVX.
Comme chacun le sait AVX avait été autrefois accusé par l'ONU, mais ces majors ne sont pas intéressés, et ils continuent à payer AVX afin de produire des pièces pour téléphone portable, ordinateurs, etc
Nous avons publié le dump de base de données à partir www.avx.com afin que chacun puisse enquêter en vue de la preuve de vos méfaits.

Nous demandons un nouveau procès par les Nations Unies, afin de invesitgare activités AVX ee des autres majors en RDC et dans les zones de guerre Latre.
Bien sûr, les mauvaises conditions de travail des mineurs et le respect de l'écosystème devrait être étudiée.
Actuellement, L '# Operationgreenrights d'Anonymous poursuit ses efforts pour faire ressortir la vérité sur le commerce illicite des minerais.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We don't forget.
We don't forgive.
Expect us!

Press ESP # OperationGreenRights OpColtan fase II Press AVX

AVX Es una gran firma cual producir condensadores de cerámica y tantalio, conectores, condensadores de película gruesa y fina integrados, resistencias y componentes pasivos.
AVX estuvo involucrado directamente en el Congo la guerra de 1998.
ONU acusa AVX, y muchas otras empresas a interesarse en la extracción de coltán ilegal y la guerra en la RDC
(Repubblic Democrática del Congo)
Por lo general, Coltan es robado por grupos de guerra de minas del Congo y llevadas a cabo para las empresas.
Millones de personas perdieron sus vidas en la guerra del Congo, la naturaleza fue destruida para cavar coltán y una gran cantidad de gorilas muertos.
Desafortunadamente ONU decidió abandonar el caso y nunca castigar a los responsables de la guerra una devastación naturaleza.
Coltan, y minerales más otros, se cavó un poco con las manos desnudas con un trabajo agotador y peligroso.
El coltan es muy radiactivo para los mineros tienen una enfermedad terrible.
También un comité del gobierno Inglés llamado RAID recogen imputaciones contra Traxys y otras empresas involucradas en el Congo la guerra. Sra. Feeney era un miembro importante del comité RAID.
Dijo que la ONU recibió fuertes presiones de EE.UU. y otros counrties con el fin de detener el juicio, ella también dijo que la acusa eran ciertas.
Así, ya en 2012, la situación en el Congo no está lejos de 1998. Una guerra civil ha crecido en Kivu, en el este del Congo, en 2012, y es debido a la Mr.Ntaganda señor de la guerra participado antes en 1998, la guerra por el coltán. Ponemos de relieve que
En Kivu muy rica en minas de coltán. Así que sabemos que AVX estaba directamente involucrado en la guerra del Congo
en 1998, pero no una fuerza que paguen por sus crímenes y en 2012 no se puede garantizar que no se está AVX robando coltan de las zonas de guerra del Congo.
AVX y otras empresas involucradas publicado un código de ética en 2010, afirman que no reciben tantalio de las zonas de guerra.
Ahora una nueva guerra civil está creciendo en el Congo y es totalmente hipócrita para compartir República Democrática del Congo en diferentes áreas con el fin de decir que algunos de estos son guerra gratuita.
AVX, ONU primera instancia se negó a castigar, pero OperationGreenRights no olvida.
AVX, es el momento de pagar por sus crímenes, el juicio es la humanidad entera.

Liberamos el volcado de la base de datos de www.avx.com para que todos puedan investigar para probar las fechorías.
    Somos Anonymous.
    Somos legión.
    No olvidamos.
    No perdonamos.

AVX HACKED - DUMP data from www.avx.com
LINKs : http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/paste/show.php?id=366c1005d5065780&plaintext=1


ESP VERSION  http://privatepaste.com/download/08d049f51f

UPDATE 27/08/2012

AVX tantalum site TANGO DOWN! avxtantalum.com 

AVX leaks continue complete part of the Customer table: "dbo.clientRequest" 
[2258 entries] from www.avx.com   contact from Intel, Motorola, Siemens etc..


#italy and #OperationGreenRights show the infrangement of the chemical releases limits by the taranto's ILVA

#Italy and #OperationGreenRights are still working on the data, about the chemical agents, contained in the dumps of Ilva's and Riva Group's database (www.ilvataranto.com & www.rivagroup.com). The chemical agents tables, sometimes, are not easy to read, sometimes is not possible to understand which is the real grade of production, of these materials, but is sure that some values are not crossable. Another certain is that these limits are applied by the law. The factories, which produce chemical agents over the limits set by the law, make this work dangerous for all the people who works in these places and for who lives in these cities. The limits are decided by the law, so are not changeable by the owners of these factories. One of the most dangerous chemical agent produced is furan (C4H4O). The furan is an organic persistent enviromental pollutant which naturally becames benzofuran polychlorinated, whom is associated to dioxins. Also normally, the furan is highly volatile close to room temperature and the detected concentrations are comparable to an enviromental disaster. The effects of furan are not only carcinogenic; the only concentration of this chemical agent can increase too much the occurrence of pneumological chronic diseases, atypical immunological disorders and even neoplastic diseases. The furan is also teratogen, which causes fetal problems. The ILVA's tables report that these chemical agents are produced over the limit, and this shall not be. Here you can see a table of ILVA's database (ilvataranto.com): http://pastebin.com/RrcF5RqW
The table shows the first detection on 15th May and the max value is set to 640 ng/m3. The values increase untill the 31th May remaining under the critical threshold. The 31th of May the max value became 800 ng/m3. How is possible that a limit set by the law was changed by the owners of this factory? As we can see there is not evidence that this law was changed, so the increasing of the chemical agents is illegal. We can also note that on 31th of May, when the limit of releasable furan were set to 800 ng/m3, the value of the agent is higher than 640 ng/m3.
So if this limit wasn't illegally set to 800 ng/m3, the table would show releases of furan, higher then 640 ng/m3, and, because of this, not passable by the law. The ILVA has changed the data of these enviromental surveys trying to legalize their releases.
Lr Puglia 19 December, 2008 (firmed Vendola)
Exhaust gas
Sum of PCDD and PCDF TEQ of 0.4 nanograms per cubic meter (ng TEQ/Nm3).
a) since 1st april, 2009: sum of PCDD and PCDF 2,5 ngTEQ/Nm3;
b) since 31st December, 2010, sum of PCDD and PCDF 0,4 ngTEQ/Nm3.
(Equivalence factors for the dibenziodioxins and dibenziofurans)
* The TEQ concentration is calculated using the factors of toxic equivalence reported in the 4th point of the first attached of legislative order 11th May 2005, n. 133 (Execution of the directive 2000/67/C)
Dioxins and furans (PCDD + PCDF)(*1) 0,1 ng/m3
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) 0.01 mg/m3
From here is possible to download the 1st attached (.pdf file) of the legislative order of 11th May,2005, n. 133 about the releases:  http://www.camera.it/parlam/leggi/deleghe/05133dl.pdf
(*) The limits values of release refer to the whole concentration of dioxins and furans, calculated as equivalent toxic concentration. In the link there are all the limit values of the substances before the sum.
The objective of Anonymous is, and will ever be, to help the information, offering datas as Wikileaks, and not to give rise to controversy.
Anonymous has only few rules, the principal is to promote everytime the information and never to attack information sites, blog, or social networks.
We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We don't forget.
We don't forgive.
Except us!


#Italy & #OperationGreenRights: "Values ​​of dioxins, furfural and contaminants subtracted from the ILVA's database"

Press ENG

As result of our research shows that the graphs of the values of the powders were manipulated.
Again, the economic interests and greed of employers and institutions, relegate to the background the human rights and environmental issues.
In the name of profit, lies and deception become routine.
In the great most cases, the values ​​remain far below the thresholds of the law but
the change is minimal.
In other words, measurements made ​​in weeks apart from one another, and in different weather conditions, don't show significant changes of contaminants. This clearly suggests a manipulation of survey data.

In the case of the valve CK2NO2, we see that the detection of ambient concentrations of contaminants up day by day until you reach a height of 561.3 May 31, 2012.
The limit is set at 600.
Extrapolated data show also how Ilva has increased the value of the initial threshold of tolerance, which rose from 640 to 800
The trend of the data makes it plausible to similar increases in of the pollutant emissions in the months following (exceeding, in the present date, the limits of several points).
In this connection we note that ILVA has deleted from the database propio history of releases of contaminants (furfurals) recognized by the valve CK2SO2 in June. 
All this is an clue that Ilva has deliberately deleted incriminating data from the database.
We can therefore assert not only that Ilva has poisoned workers and citizens of Taranto, but even that has also acted in such a way as to obscure the truth at the expense of public health and the environment

The valves concerned are used to measure the concentrations of dioxins, in particular of furan. Furan or furfural (common name vinylene oxide) is a contminante environmental persistent organic type that decays naturally in benzofural polyclurates, which are attributable to dioxins.
Already naturally, the furfural is volatile at room temperature and the measured concentrations are comparable to those of an environmental disaster.
The action of furfural is not only carcinogenic: the only product concentration volatile is enough to raise a considerable percentage of the occurrence of chronic diseases pneumologic, immunology atypical syndromes, or even neoplastic diseases, but is also teratogenic, or cause fetal problems.
We encourage the workers ILVA to meditate on the danger of furans, as put at risk their future children as well as themselves; corrupt the genome can lead to deformities, congenital diseases, immunologically and even increase the probability of neoplastic diseases in unborn.

Fight to defend not only their jobs but also healthiness is a right and a duty at the same time.
Who is blackmailing their employees forcing them to choose between pay or illness is just a profiteer deplorable blinded by money.
We will continue to hurl ourselves against the supporters of deception and extortion, and claim a loud voice, with the workers, the right of every person to be able to exerting their jobs in accordance with the rights.

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Forgive
We do not Forget
Expect US

Press ITA

#Italy & #OperationGreenRights sta indagando sul database ILVA 
A seguito delle nostre ricerche, emerge che i grafici dei valori delle polveri sono stati manipolati. Ancora una volta, gli interessi economici e l'avidità di padroni e Istituzioni, relegano in secondo piano i Diritti umani e ambientali. In nome del profitto, la menzogna e l'inganno divengono routine.
Nella grande maggioranza dei casi, i valori riportati rimangono molto al di sotto delle soglie di legge ma la variazione è minima.
In altre parole, rilevazioni compiute a settimane di distanza l'una dall'altra, in condizioni atmosferiche diverse, non presentano variazioni significative degli agenti inquinanti.
Ciò chiaramente induce a pensare ad una manipolazione dei rilevamenti effettuati.
Nel caso della valvola CK2NO2 , invece, vediamo che la rilevazione della concentrazione ambientale di contaminanti sale di giorno in giorno fino ad arrivare a quota 561.3 il 31 di Maggio 2012.
Il limite è fissato a 600.
Dai dati estrapolati, inoltre, si evince come Ilva abbia deliberatamente aumentato il valore della soglia di tolleranza iniziale, che passa da 640 a 800 
L'andamento dei dati rende plausibile analoghi incrementi delle emissioni dell'inquinante anche nei mesi successivi (superando, in data attuale, i valori limite di molti punti).
A tal proposito segnaliamo che ILVA ha cancellato dal propio database la cronologia dei rilasci di contaminanti (furfurani) rilevati dalla valvola CK2SO2 a giugno.
Tutto ciò costituisce un indizio  del fatto che Ilva ha volutamente cancellato dai database dati compromettenti.
Possiamo quindi asserire non solo che Ilva ha avvelenato operai e cittadini di Taranto, ma persino che ha anche agito in modo tale da oscurare la verità a spese della salute pubblica e dell'ambiente.

Le valvole in questione servono a misurare le concentrazioni di diossine, in particolare di furano. Il furano o furfurano (nome comune dell'ossido di divinilene) è un contaminante ambientale persistente di tipo organico che decade naturalmente in benzofurani policlurati, i quali son associabili alle diossine.
Già naturalmente, il furfurano è volatile a temperatura ambiente e le concentrazioni rilevate sono comparabili a quelle di un disastro ambientale. 
L'azione del furfurano non è solo cancerogena: la sola concentrazione del prodotto volatile basta ad incrementare di una considerevole percentuale il presentarsi di malattie pneumologiche croniche, disordini immunologici atipici o persino malattie neoplastiche, ma è anche teratogena, ovvero causa problemi fetali.
Invitiamo gli operai dell'ILVA a meditare sulla teratogenia dei furani, poiché mettono a rischio anche i loro futuri figli, oltre che loro stessi; il genoma corrotto può dare origine a deformità, malattie immunologicamente congenite e persino incrementare la probabilità di contrarre malattie neoplastiche nei nascituri. 
Lottare per difendere non solo il posto di lavoro ma anche la salubrità, è un diritto e un dovere allo stesso tempo.
Chi ricatta i propri dipendenti obbligandolia scegliere fra salario o malattie è solo un deplorevole profittatore accecato dal denaro.
Continueremo a scagliarci contro i fautori di inganno ed estorsioni, e rivendichiamo a gran voce, insieme ai lavoratori, il diritto di ogni persona a poter esecitare la propria professione nel rispetto dei diritti.

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Forgive
We do not Forget
Expect US


DatabaseLeaks ILVA_Grafici  http://pastebin.com/RrcF5RqW

This dissemination of sensitive information is the first attack that comes close to Wikileaks for Anonymous ITA, by subtraction of sensitive data electronically and then censored. With this, we want to hold up the hard times that Julian Assange and Wikileaks are facing.



DEFACE : www.sema.pa.gov.br

STOP MEGADAM ethnic cleansing

estamos seguindo muito de perto o que está acontecendo respeito a construção da usina de Belo Monte,
como sempre vigilando sobre os direitos humanos, o direito de existir e não a mera sobrevivência,
o direito dos povos indígenas a autoproclamação ea proteção de suas terras,
proteção  que visa a preservação da cultura, identidade, raízes culturais ea  história dos povos mais velhos do que os dos invasores brancos, apesar  de séculos se passaram, mas a única intenção de explorar suas terras.
Proteção tem como objectivo enriquecer as nações indígenas econômicamente e humanamente e não destinada à exploração.
Nos  Anonymous estamos muito cuidadosos, e estamos percebendo que por trás  da demarcação das terras encontra-se a privatização insidiosa de  recursos minerais e ecológicos, através do que chamamos de Máfia Verde:  organizações que dependem do governo e organizações não-governamentais  que trabalham com o objetivo de controlar e explorar o território. Velha  história ... aconteceu no Congo Belga mais de 100 anos atrás, com o  mesmo objetivo: o controle do comércio de coltan.
SEMA, estamos muito cuidadosos!

We are Anonymous
We are a legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us

SEMA(Segreteria di stato del brasile per l'ambiente), qui è Anonymous,
stiamo seguendo molto da vicino quanto sta accadendo circa la costruzione della diga di Belo Monte,
vigiliamo sul rispetto dei diritti umani, il diritto all'esistenza e non alla mera sopravvivenza,
il diritto all'autoproclamazione delle nazioni indigene e alla protezione delle loro terre,
protezione finalizzata al mantenimento della cultura, dell'identità, delle radici culturali e storiche di popoli più antichi di quelli degli invasori bianchi che, nonostante siano passati secoli, hanno ancora l'unica intenzione di sfruttare le loro terre.
Protezione finalizzata ad arricchire umanamente ed economicamente le nazioni indigene e non finalizzata allo sfruttamento delle stesse.
Noi Anonymous siamo molto attenti, e ci stiamo accorgendo che dietro la demarcazione delle terre si nasconde la privatizzazione subdola di risorse minerarie ed ecologiche, attraverso quella che denominiamo mafia verde: organizzazione dipendenti dal governo e non governative che operano con la finalità di controllare e sfruttare il territorio. Storia vecchia... succedeva anche in Congo Belga più di 100 anni fa, con la stessa finalità: il controllo del commercio del coltan.
SEMA, noi siamo molto attenti!
We are Anonymous
We are a legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us

We are following very carefully what is happening about the dam that you want to build in Belo Monte.
As ever we supervise the respect of: human rights, right to exist, not only to the survival, the right of indigenous' self-proclamation nations and the protection of this, safeguard with the aim to preserve the culture, the identity, the cultural and historical roots of populations, who are more old than whites conquers who, even if lot of time is elapsed, want again to exploit their lands. The protection has to be finalized for the human and economic enrichment and not with the aim to exploit these conditions.
Anonymous is very careful, and we are noting that behind the demarcation of their lands, it's hided the subtle attempt to privatize the mineral and ecological resources, using that we call “green mafia”: government-dependent, or not governative, organizations which work with the aim to controll and exploit this territory. That happened in the Belgian Congo more than 100 years ago, with the saim aim: the controll of coltan trades.
SEMA, we are watching you.

We are Anonymous
We are a legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us

Hemos estado siguiendo muy cuidadosamente qué ha pasado acerca de la presa que se quiere construir en Belo Monte.
Como siempre, hemos supervisado el respeto de: los derechos humanos, el derecho a existir, no solo para la supervivencia, el derecho de los pueblos indígenas, la auto-proclamación de las naciones y la protección de este, proteger con el objetivo de preservar la cultura, la identidad, las raíces culturales e históricas de la población, que es más viejo que la conquista de los blancos que, aunque mucho tiempo ha transcurrido, quieren otra vez explotar sus tierras. La protección debe ser con la finalidad del enriquecimiento humano y económico, y no con el objetivo de aprovechar estas condiciones.
Anonymous es muy cuidadoso y estamos observando que detrás de la demarcación de las tierras, etá escondido un sutil intento de privatización de los recursos minerales y ecológicos, usando lo que llamamos "Mafia Verde", dependientes de gobierno, o independientes, organizaciones que trabajan con el fin de controlar y explotar este territorio. Esto pasó en el Congo Belga, hace más de 100 años, por el mismo objetivo: el control de las operaciones del Coltán.
SEMA, te estamos observando.

We are Anonymous
We are a legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us


OperationGreenRights supports #Italy against factory pollution of Ilva the Italian steel plant located in Taranto


Today,  when you will enter into the factory, it will be 8 o'clock. But, when  you will leave, the darkness will cover everything. Today, the sun will  not shine for you. (from the film "The Working Class Goes to Heaven")

The cruel logic of profit don't let us chance, if we  want to live we have to work. This not only is inhuman, but nobody can ask to us to die for our survival.  Nobody can use a person as a pawn to make pressure on polithic with the  aim to grow up his profit. Everyone knows that steelworks as ILVA cause  terrible diseases to the workers.
If  we look around us, we can see that provincionals and regionals  administrations have forsake us, they're changing the city into an open  landfill. In few years 4 incenerators were built. 
Can we have a future in these conditions?

Nobody  is morally authorized to ask you to immolate your life, not even your wife or your sons. No one ideal or material need is important as your existence. Workers, lets occupy the factory and sabotage the plants.

The Taranto's ILVA is only a lager that devastates the enviroment and  lacerates the right to live of people, we don't need their steel !
To force a man to choose between the life or the health is not only a disgusting blackmail, but also a high infraction of the right to do a work under good precautions. We feel offended firstable as humans,  because our brothers are risking their lifes every day, staying poisoned  by the higher toxicity of these places, to bring home a miserable  salary. Then, as citizens, we are strongly outraged by the fact that  this factory doesn't care about it workers, treating them like trade  merchandise easy to replace. How "rightly" is writed, in the "Ethic Code" of this factory, the sanitary safeguard is not only a right, but  also an undeniable priority, an undeniable right. There are some sections by the Factory's Ethic Code (http://www.rivagroup.com/download/ita/ILVA_CodiceEtico.pdf)

2.1  DIGNITY, HEALTH, SAFETY AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AT WORK: Society  protects dignity, health and security at work by appliyng all  regulations about it. As Society has ever distinguished itself about  human health care and environmental protection, promotes and upholds the  health of its own employees.
7.1.2 TERMS ABOUT HEALTH WORKERS: Society  undertakes itself to ward the environmental sanitation wherever it  perfrorms its tasks, to adapt its own behavior th and/or environmental  regulations. In this meaning, Society, endorses its own obligation to  complies the regulations issued by local and national health  authorities; a clean and collaborative relationship with health  authotities establishes a cohesion on developing own industrial and  commercial plans.
As said before, those rights should be respected,  'cause those are regulated by the companies themselves. Instead, as  shown by lot of proofs nothing of that exists. We're attending a real  lack of humanity and care of employers.Workers are forced to work for  many hours, treated as beasts to find out some kind of gruesome gift in  their own lungs or in any part of their body. Regard for other people  must be the priority for all of employers, not a usless optional for  human health.

As said before, those rights should be respected,  because those are regulated by the companies themselves. Instead, as shown by lot of proofs,workers' rights should be respected because they're complies to the Ilva's laws. Instead, numerous testimonies and convictions suffered by the company confirm that all this is nothing of true:  the Ilva's event is like a story of a factory ever manipulated by the claws of those that trade wages with poison, to increase their own affairs. Already in 1982, the Director of the old named Italsider (nowadays ILVA), suffered a sentence for "throwing powder"; twenty years later, the magnate Emilio Riva is being condemned for the so-called "mineral-parks", with the accusation of throwing dangerous materials, violating the article 13 of the Pdr 203-244 of May 1988; In 2007 Emilio Riva is being condemned of extortion (employment blackmail) and swindle (collection of INPS contributions by mobility's assumptions); moreover, both Emilio and his son Claudio Riva, was forbidden the exercise of business activities. We're attending a real lack of humanity and care of those employers.Workers are forced to work for many hours, treated as beasts to find out some kind of gruesome gift in their own lungs or in any part of their body. The regard and the defense for other people must be the priority for all of employers, not a useless optional for human health.
The guilty have poisoned the conscience and the bodies of those who were forced to live for working; they cut off the wings of employment sectors that should have found an increasing expansion; they forced people of a whole city to breathe in the toxic accumulation of Capital, scornful of Human Rights.
We're close to the families of those who died, poisoned by the vile thirst of unscrupulous profiteers.
We're close to those who fight to survive and everyday drag on their diseases, cheated by a State that hides his dirty conscience with poor compensations and, from the backstage, join into agreements with masters.We despise the work of those who had distributed blackmail and lied, bypassing laws about harmful emissions: cashing on the skin and bodies of Citizens, hiding yourselves behind bureaucracy and memoranda: this is a form of legalized crime.

We're Anonymous.
We're legion.
We don't forgive.
We don't forget.
Expect us!


Oggi,  quando entrerete in fabbrica, saranno le 8 del mattino, ma quando uscirete sarà già buio. Per voi la luce del sole oggi non splenderà.
La spietata  logica del profitto ci costringe a lavorare per sopravvivere e ciò è di  per sé disumano, ma nessuno può chiedere ad un essere umano di lavorare per morire. Nessuno può utilizzare un essere umano come pedina per far pressione sulla politica al fine di aumentare il profitto.
Lo sappiamo e lo sapete, acciaierie come l'Ilva provocano malattie terribili.
Guardiamoci attorno, le amministrazioni comunali, provinciale e regionali ci hanno abbandonato, stanno trasformando la città in una discarica a cielo aperto. In pochi anni sono stati costruiti 4 inceneritori. 
Che futuro  possiamo avere in queste condizioni?
Nessuno è moralmente autorizzato a chiederti di sacrificare la vita neanche tua  moglie o i tuoi figli. 
Nessun ideale o bisogno materiale vale la tua esistenza.
Operai, occupiamo la fabbrica e sabotiamo ogni impianto.

L'Ilva  di Taranto non è altro che un lager che devasta l'ambiente e lede il  diritto alla vita delle persone, il suo acciaio non ci serve!
Costringere un uomo a scegliere fra lo stipendio e la salute è non solo uno schifoso ricatto, ma anche una gravissima infrazione del diritto di ogni  persona di poter praticare un mestiere sotto le dovute precauzioni.
Ci sentiamo offesi innanzitutto come persone, perché dei nostri connazionali rischiano la vita ogni giorno, rimaendo avvelenati dalla  alta tossicità di quei luoghi, per portare a casa uno stipendio misero.
Poi, da cittadini, siamo fortemente indignati dal fatto che questa azienda non si preoccupi minimamente dei suoi impiegati, trattandoli come merce facile da rimpiazzare.
Come  "giustamente" viene reperito, nel cosiddetto "codice etico"  dell'azienda, la tutela sanitaria è non solo un dovere, ma anche una  priorità innegabile, un diritto inviolabile. Ecco alcuni passaggi tratti  da http://www.rivagroup.com/download/ita/ILVA_CodiceEtico.pdf (dal codice etico della società)

La  Società tutea la dignità, salute e sicurezza sul lavoro, attraverso  l’applicazione di tutte le normative vigenti in materia.  La Società,  essendosi sempre distinta nel campo della protezione della salute umana e  della difesa dell’ambiente, promuove e protegge la salute dei propri  collaboratori.
 La  Società si impegna, allo scopo di tutelare la salubrità dell’ambiente  in cui svolge la propria attività, a conformare il proprio comportamento  alla normativa sanitaria e/o ambientale vigente. A tal proposito, la  Società conferma il proprio impegno nel rispetto delle direttive emanate  dalle competenti autorità sanitarie locali e nazionali; un trasparente e  collaborativo rapporto con le autorità in campo sanitario costituisce  un criterio guida nello sviluppo dei propri programmi industriali e  commerciali.

Come   viene sopracitato, questi diritti di tutela verso i lavoratori dovrebbero essere rispettati poiché conformi alle norme imposte  dall'azienda stessa. Invece, come numerose testimonianze e condanne subite dalla società confermano, niente di tutto ciò esiste:  la storia dell'Ilva è la storia di una fabbrica perennemente manipolata  dagli artigli di chi baratta salari col veleno per ingrassare le  proprie tasche.
 Già  nel lontano 1982, il Direttore dell'allora Italsider subì una condanna  per "getto delle polveri"; vent'anni dopo, il magnate Emilio Riva viene condannato per i cosiddetti "parchi minerali", con accusa di getto  pericoloso di cose e violazione dell'articolo 13 del Pdr 203-244 maggio  1988; nel 2007, lo stesso Emilio Riva viene condannato per estorsione  (ricatto occupazionale) e truffa (incasso dei contributi Inps attraverso  le assunzioni dalla mobilità); inoltre, sia lui che suo figlio Claudio  vengono interdetti dall'esercizio di attività industriale.
Siamo  davanti ad una vera mancanza di  umanità e  responsabilità da parte  di questi datori di lavoro. Gli  operai sono costretti ad interminabili turni, trattati quasi come  bestie, condannati a rinunciare alla salute. Il  rispetto e la tutela per la Persona devono essere una priorità, non un optional.
I  colpevoli hanno avvelenato le coscienze e i corpi di chi è stato costretto a vivere per lavorare; hanno tarpato le ali a settori  occupazionali che avrebbero altrimenti trovato una rigogliosa espansione;  hanno obbligato gli abitanti di un' intera città a respirare la tossicità  dell'accumulazione del Capitale sprezzante dei Diritti Umani.
Siamo vicini alle famiglie di chi si è spento, avvelenato dalla sete incondizionata di vili profittatori.
Siamo  vicini a chi ancora lotta per sopravvivere e trascina ogni giorno la  sua malattia, messo spalle al muro da uno Stato che copre la sua sporca  coscienza con miseri indennizzi, e dietro le quinte stringe loschi  accordi con i padroni.
Disprezziamo  l'operato di chi, con i propri tentacoli, ha elargito ricatti  lavorativi e seminato menzogne cavalcando accordi e deroghe in barba  alle leggi sulle emissioni: lucrare sulla pelle dei Cittadini,  trincerandosi dietro protocolli d'intesa e burocrazia, è una forma di  criminalità legalizzata. 

We're Anonymous.
We're legion.
We don't forgive.
We don't forget.
Expect us!

(datatabase of ILVA TARANTO & RIVA-GROUP ) www.ilvataranto.com & www.rivagroup.com

Deface: http://www.comune.taranto.it

to send
our message of solidarity to the workers and citizens


#OpColtan phase II initial leaks - Siemens

OpColtan Phase II

1876 Leopold II of Belgium found a fake scientific association.

The real aim of the association was to organize the exploitation of Congo's rubber and ivory.
In a few years lots of people in Congo where forced in slavery.
The member of the association of Leopold II directed the exploitation in Congo and usually tortured the people in Congo.

1998: A civil war grow up in Congo. The UN in 2001 proved that the war was a conflict for Congo's minerals.
Firms like Sony, Nokia, Siemens, Toshiba, Apple, Intel etc... where involved in the war.
They payed warlords in order to collect great loads of coltan illegally. At least 200.000 people died in the mineral war in Congo.

Mr. Ntaganda, a warlord formerly involved in the war of 1991, is fighting a new war in Congo. This obviously shows that RDC (democratic republic of Congo) is now a war area.

The previously mentioned firms declare that they don't buy minerals from war areas.

Great mineral dealers make great business with Congo, as the email of
Mr.Thierry Manda Kalumba
(+260955363702 , +243997012175, salvakalumba@yahoo.fr ) proves.
The email was sent in 2012 and we found it in Traxys database.

Citizens of the world: your mobile phones, DVD players, video game systems and computers are made with the blood of Congo's people and animals.
Remember that it is our greed for technology and products from these companies that destroy our planet.
We can change this trend by not supporting these companies and recycling our own technology.
We can change the rules of the game 

This act is not intended to cause any damage but only to show a reality that would be otherwise ignored by the public. #OperationGreenRights n1.3) Right to online demonstration


#OccupyBeloMonte Join the Call to Suspend the Belo Monte Dam

To participate directly in operations here's the direct link to the chat #OperationGreenRights 
( http://1.webchat.anonops.com/?channels=OperationGreenRights&uio=MT11bmRlZmluZWQb1 )
or through the network at AnonOps 
irc.anonops.pro Ports 6697 (SSL) (recommended) 6667 (non-SSL)
Channell: #OperationGreenRights
Join the Call to Suspend the Belo Monte Dam