

Greetings, citizens of British Columbia. 
We are Anonymous.
It has come to our attention that the Government of British Columbia, and in particular, the Ministry of Environment, have demonstrated what appears to be extreme negligence, and seems to have a willful disregard for it's duties to protect the environmental interests of British Columbians.

Ministry of Environment officials, you allowed a contaminated soil dumping permit to be granted above Shawnigan Lake. You endorsed the dumping of five million tonnes of contaminated soils over a 50 year period into a watershed still pristine enough to support safe drinking water for over 12,000 residents, a fish bearing lake, and a stream that supports spawning Coho salmon. You have been shown evidence of exposed groundwater unprotected from toxic runoff, with the potential for extensive groundwater contamination. Despite ongoing court actions, your own inspections showing failed containment of runoff, irrefutable proof from independent engineers and laboratories, and even extensive video evidence clearly showing that contaminants are leaching from the site, you have steadfastly chosen ignore it entirely and allow dumping to continue. This crime is heinous. Your conduct is unconscionable. You failed to validate, or even understand, the questionable engineering. You failed to enforce the requirements of the permit. You failed to adequately consult the areas indigenous peoples. You failed to monitor the site or hold the polluters to account. You learned nothing from the worst disaster in Canadian mining history at the Mt. Polley tailings pond. You have failed British Columbians one too many times, and now you have drawn our ire.
Principals of Cobble Hill Holdings, and it's affiliated companies, including South Island Aggregates (SIA), South Island Resource Management (SIRM), Alterra Construction, and Active Earth Engineering. Your alleged fraud and secret profit sharing contract are likely not the last examples of your ethics and business practices that will meet the public eye.
And finally, to those companies involved in the distribution and transport of contaminated soil to the Shawnigan Lake site. We are watching you. We are your neighbors, from your friendly coffee shop employee through to your local IT professional. We are amongst you.  Those companies who choose to remain involved should expect us. 

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.

http://billbennettmla.bc.ca #TangoDown

http://marypolakmla.bc.ca #TangoDown


Love and Hate

We Are Anonymous,
29th November, around the world there was the biggest event on the planet's climate. More than 500k people took to the street for protest against big companies and the states that are every day killing nature and animals. During this event, in Paris the French State turned out for what he really is and what he wants to do the environment. They tried to repress love towards the climate and animals with 174 arrests for no reason.
The fear of seeing screaming people the dirty business of large companies frightens them, and thus they've create a false environmental conference call COP21, where we talk about the health of the earth but of how to make profit from the environment.
We know they uses victims of ParisAttacks to restrict people rights, we know they don’t care climate changes what they caused that. But all this will not be allowed. Anonymous does not allow governments to use the power on nature and people again.
We will continue fight for every kind rights of Humans, Greens and Animals, and we take our revenge on what happened.
Expect Us.


#OperationGreenRights's back!

[Intro EN]
Over the past few years, the top producers of GMO products have been fighting a GMO labeling bill so that their genetically modified crops
won't contain any type of special label showing the consumers that their products contain GMO plants. Not only that, the GMOs have been mis-labeling
their products with keywords like "Organic", or just flat out lying about the contents of the products. This operation is mainly focused on those
companies and individuals who fight against the GMO labeling every time a new bill comes up; these companies spend millions to keep GMO labeling off
of our food products. 

  The GMO companies and the money they spend fighting GMO labeling bills:

You can reach the full pad here .
Join on IRC:
#OperationGreenRights - irc.anonops.com/6697


#FreeAken #FreeOtherwise

When an Anon is arrested his identity is revealed as a death. But stronger than death is love .
Our beloved companions are with us, in our hearts. No arrests will take you from us.
Otherwise and Aken, they were and are true anons who fought for the ideal knowing the
consequences they would pay.
All legion feels your loss and we will not allow your efforts to be in vain.  There will be revenge for you, brothers.
Finally we want to thank you for everything you have done for us and for the time spent together .
We will never forget you.
We are Anonymous
We are a Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us


Call for action: It’s time to March Against Monsanto.

On May 23, 2015, activists around the world will, once again, unite to March Against Monsanto.
For the last two years, protestors have marched under the banner of the March Against Monsanto (MAM) in coordinated demonstrations around the world in opposition to genetically engineered crops, the companies that make them or market them, and governments that approve their sale.
The March Against Monsanto is an international grassroots movement as well as a protest against the Monsanto corporation and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Why do we march?

Research studies have shown that Monsanto’s genetically-modified foods can lead to serious health conditions such as the development of cancer tumors, infertility and birth defects. In the United States, the FDA, the agency tasked with ensuring food safety for the population, is steered by ex-Monsanto executives, and we feel that’s a questionable conflict of interests and explains the lack of government-lead research on the long-term effects of GMO products.
Recently, the U.S. Congress and president collectively passed the nicknamed “Monsanto Protection Act” that, among other things, bans courts from halting the sale of Monsanto’s genetically-modified seeds.
For too long, Monsanto has been the benefactor of corporate subsidies and political favoritism. Organic and small farmers suffer losses while Monsanto continues to forge its monopoly over the world’s food supply, including exclusive patenting rights over seeds and genetic makeup. Monsanto’s GMO seeds are harmful to the environment; for example, scientists have indicated they have caused colony collapse among the world’s bee population.
We will not stand for poison. That’s why we March Against Monsanto.


AREVA should expect us.

www.areva.com #TANGODOWN 
Areva can't even secure their website, how can they secure their nuke? 


== PRESS FR ==

Nous sommes Anonymous,

Nous nous battons contre la construction du réacteur nucléaire de dernière génération (EPR) que la firme Areva est entrain de construire. Un projet qui semble prometteur mais qui risque de mettre en danger la population mondiale.
En effet les réacteurs de type EPR sont supposés être plus sécuritaires et mieux conçus que les réacteurs de la génération actuelle.
Or des anomalies ont été détectées par l'Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN) au niveau de la composition de l'acier du couvercle et dans le fond de la cuve qui doit contenir le réacteur EPR de Flamanville (Manche).

L'inquiétude gagne les pays étrangers : « La Chine ne chargera pas de combustible dans ses deux réacteurs nucléaires de type EPR conçus par le français Areva tant que tous les doutes quant à la sûreté des équipements ne seront pas intégralement levés » annoncait le ministre chinois de l'Environnement.

En effet, Areva utilise les même procédé de fabrication pour les composant de la cuve de Taishan et de Flamanville.

EDF et Areva vont mener, d'ici octobre une batterie de tests pour démontrer que la cuve statisfait aux normes requises pour la règlementation des équipements sous pression nucléaires (ESPN).

Si il savère que les pièces ne répondent pas aux critères. Il faudrai reconstruire la cuve ou abandonner le chantier.

Nous n'avons pas confiance, en effet, Areva ne peut être objectif ni EDF, l'enjeu financier est trop important pour qu'ils abandonnent le chantier.
Nous devons dire NON au projet EPR de Flamanville, nous avons déjà assez de centrales dans ce pays ou le nucléaire est une religion d'Etat.

== PRESS EN ==

We are anonymous,

We are fighting against the construction of new generation nuclear reactor (EPR) that Areva is building. A project that seems promising but which may endanger the global population.
Indeed EPR reactors are supposed to be safer and better designed than the reactors of the present generation.
But anomalies were detected by the Nuclear Safety Authority in France (ASN) in the composition of the steel lid and in the bottom of the tank which is supposed to contain the reactor core at Flamanville (Manche).

Concern reaches foreign countries, "China will not load fuel in its two nuclear reactors EPR designed by the french firm Areva until all doubts about the safety of the equipment will not be fully raised" announced the Chinese minister of the Environment.

Indeed, Areva uses the same manufacturing process for the component of the tank in Taishan and Flamanville.

EDF and Areva will lead in the following months several tests to demonstrate that the tank satifies required standards for the regulation of nuclear pressure equipment (ESPN).

If tests show that the pieces do not meet the criteria. They would rebuild the tank or abandon the site.

We do not trust, indeed, both Areva and EDF cannot be objective, the financial stakes are too high to abandon the site.
We must say NO to the EPR project in Flamanville, we already have enough power in that country where nuclear is a governement religion.

== PRESS IT ==

We are Anonymous

Stiamo lottando contro la creazione di reattori nucleari di nuova generazione (EPR) che l'Areva sta costruendo. Un progetto che sembra promettente ma che può essere pericoloso per la popolazione mondiale.
I reattori EPR dovrebbero essere più sicuri e meglio progetatti rispetto ai reattori della generazione attuale.
La Nuclear Safety Authoruty in Francia (ASN) ha rilevato anomalie nel coperchio in acciaio e nelfondo della tanica che dovrebbe contenere il cuore del reattore a Flamanville (Manche).

La preoccupazione colpisce anche i paesi stranieri, "La Cina non caricherà il carburante nei suoi due reattori nucleari EPR progettati dallo studio francese di Areva fin quando tutti i dubbi riguardanti la sicurezza dell'impianto non saranno completamente spariti" questo è stato l'annuncio del ministro dell'ambiente cinese.

Areva usa infatti lo stesso processo di lavorazione per il serbatoio di Taishan e Flamanville.

EDF e Areva nei prossimi mesi condurranno diversi test per dimostrare la sicurezza del serbatoio secondo le norme sulla regolamentazione delle atrrezzature nucleari (ESPN).

Se i test dimostreranno che il serbatoio non soddisfa tali standard di sicurezza. Dovranno ricustruire ol serbatoio o abbandonare il luogo.

Non ci fidiamo, infatti, sia Areva sia EDF non possono essere obbiettivi, la posta in gioco è troppo alta perchè abbandonino il luogo. Dobbiamo dire NO al progetto EPR di Flamanville, abbiamo già abbastanza potere in quel Paese dove il nucleare è una religione governativa.


Anonymous with the Hawaiian natives against #TMT

tmt.org / portal.ehawaii.gov 
under #DDoS protest

Nothing will ever justify the destruction of ecosystems; filthy money can never replace them. Stand with the Hawaiian natives against #TMT (Thirty Meter Telescope)

26/04/2015 20.00 GMT +1  against site of #Hawaii government portal.ehawaii.gov 
STOP ecocide and native rights abuses   


#OpGPII #NOTAV Dites non à la ligne ferroviaire Turin-Lyon

Official site of the Rhône-Alpes region

modesdoux.rhonealpes.fr and
more than 100 subdomain DEFACED! 

Source Video : http://vimeo.com/113587068 
 visit Anonymous Video Network: http://www.anonymousvideo.eu


I gerarchi politicanti della regione Rhône-Alpes (Francia) sono evidentemente sostenitori della costruzione della linea ferroviaria Torino-Lione e sono responsabili per tale progetto, come provano i seguenti fatti:

Il presidente della regione Rhône-Alpes presiede il comitato che insieme al prefetto e ad altre autorità sorveglia lo svolgimento de lavori della linea "Lione-Sillon Alpin".

Il consiglio regionale di Rhône-Alpes ha organizzato dibattiti per fare pressione e ottenere lo stato di massima priorità per la linea, ritenendo il governo francese addirittura troppo tiepido nei confronti del progetto.
Ricordiamo che il solo tratto ferroviario nella regione Rhône-Alpes avrà un costo stimato di 8,5 miliardi di Euro pubblici, mentre le spese totali per la TAV si aggirano attorno ai 30 miliardi.

Anonymous si batte contro la costruzione della linea ferroviaria Torino-Lione; un progetto inutile che devasta ambienti incontaminati e mette a repentaglio la salute pubblica a causa della tossicità e a volte anche radioattività dei materiali risultanti dalla attività dei cantieri.
In Francia come in Italia le popolazioni insorgono contro questo mega progetto ma i politicanti disumani, corrotti e impegnati nel garantire affari d'oro ai loro compari imprenditori del cemento (edilizia),incrementano  la repressione poliziesca colpendo con mano fascista chi esprime il proprio dissenso. 
Ricordiamo alcuni dei nomi degli eroi NOTAV colpiti dalla repressione poliziesca e perciò ingiustamente incriminati:
Chiara, Claudio, Mattia, Niccolò, Lucio, Francesco, Graziano LIBERI SUBITO!

Vili padroni sfruttatori, giganteschi parassiti degli esseri umani e della natura: per voi tutto ciò che esiste non rappresenta altro che un possibile valore economico, ma la coscienza  delle popolazioni ribelli e la lotta di Anonymous non si comprano col vostro nauseabondo denaro né in ogni altro modo

We are Anonymous 
We are legion 
We do not forgive 
We do not forget 
Expect us 


Nous sommes Anonymous,

Nous nous  battons contre la construction de la ligne ferroviaire Turin / Lyon; un projet inutile qui ravage l'environnement et met en danger la santé  publique des travailleurs ainsi que des  habitants. Danger réel quand on sait que les matériaux résultant des activités des chantiers sont toxiques et parfois radioactif. 

Le Conseil général de la région Rhône-Alpes est un partisan majeur de cette ligne Turin-Lyon aini qu'un des principaux responsable de ce projet, comme en témoignent les  faits suivants:

1)  Le Président de la Région Rhône-Alpes préside le comité avec le préfet  et d'autres autorités afin de superviser la mise en œuvre des travaux de  la ligne TGV "Lyon-Sillon Alpin".

 2°)  Le conseil régional a organisé un débat pour faire pression et  redonner un statut de première priorité au projet Lyon-Turin considérant  que le gouvernement français, n'était pas assé motivié pour le projet.
La ligne de chemin de fer dans la région Rhône-Alpes aura un coût  estimé à 8,5 milliards d'euros publique, tandis que le total des dépenses pour ce projet est autour de 30 milliards.

Beaucoup de Français & italiens se révoltent contre ce méga projet, mais la classe politique, inhumaines, corrompues et impliquées dans ce projet pour assurer les bénéfices des entrepreneurs, fait monter un climat de répression policière "fasciste" autour de la zone de  chantier. 

Nous souhaitons aussi dédier cette action en honneur à ces héros aujourd'hui emprisonnés
Chiara, Claudio, Mattia, Niccolò, Lucio, Francesco, Graziano...
Certains pour plus de 9 ans, ces personnes qui osent porter l'action à la hauteur de leurs convictions, qui n'ont pas hésité à faire face à ce projet, mais qui malheureusement ont été touchés par la répression policière, injustement accusé.

Multinationnales, décideurs et parasites, exploitant l'homme et la nature; pour vous la vie n'a de valeur qu'en son coût économique. Mais n'oubliez pas, la prise de conscience atteint le peuple qui  commence à se rebeller et notre lutte ne peut pas être achetée avec votre argent ou de toute autre nauséabonde façon.

Nous sommes Anonymous
Nous sommes Légion
Nous ne pardonnons pas
Nous n'oublions pas
Redoutez nous


The hierarchs politicos of the region Rhône-Alpes (France) are obviously supporters of the railway line Turin-Lyon(TAV)' construction and responsible for this project, as underlined by the following facts:

1st) President of the Rhône-Alpes chairs the committee wich oversee the railway line Lyon-Sillon Alpin work's implementation along with the prefect and other authorities

 2 ° The Regional Council of Rhône-Alpes has held discussions to pressure and get the status of highest priority for the line, deeming the French government even too indifferent to the project.

We recall that the railway line in the Rhône-Alpes region, will have an estimated cost of 8.5 billion Euro public, while the total expenditure for the TAV is about 30 billion.

Anonymous is fighting against the construction of the railway line between Turin and Lyon; a useless project wich ravages pristine environments and endangers public health:
the material resulting from the activities of the yards is toxic and sometimes radioactive.

In France as in Italy populations rise up against this mega project but the politicos are inhumane, corrupt and involved in ensuring a roaring to building companies, so, like fascists, they increase the police repression hitting people who express their dissent.
We remember some of notav heroes affected by police repression and therefore unjustly indicted:
Chiara, Claudio, Mattia, Niccolò, Lucio, Francesco, Graziano  FREE NOW!

Evil masters exploiters, giant parasites of humans and nature: for you everything exists is merely a possible economic value, but the consciousness of the rebel people and struggle of Anonymous can not be bought with your nauseating money or in any other way.

We are Anonymous 
We are legion 
We do not forgive 
We do not forget 
Expect us