

#OpAmaZonaSave 1.0 start 29/12/2012 12.00 GMT+1

#OpAmaZonaSave 1.0

Press Release:#OpAmaZonaSave

Press - ENG

Citizens of the world,

The Norte-Energy company, with the consent of the brasilian Government wants to build on a giant dam on the Xingu River. The plant will have a power of 11000 gigawatts,the same of 11 nuclear power plants. The Kayapo lands would be flooded by the waters. 20000 kayapo would leave their community. River is very important in kayapo's traditions and culuture ,it would suffer incalculable and irreversible damages. Moreover, the huge mass of water conveyed in the giant dam,would alter the climate in the entire Amazon region, with a decrease in rainfall that largely nullify the effectiveness of the aforementioned hydroelectric project. The Kayapo have never been consulted about the hydroelectric project. This violates Article 18 of the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: "Indigenous peoples have the right to participate in decision-making in matters which would affect their rights, through representatives chosen by themselves in accordance with their own procedures, as well as to maintain and develop their own indigenous decision-making institutions". ENEL's, Endesa-hydroaysen's norte energy's projects would destroy the centuries-old native ethnic groups of Brazil (Kayapo),Guatemala (Ixil) and Chile (Mapuche) The "modern", "free" West continues his hunt for different cultures allover the world. In the past West's propaganda spokes of his civilizing mission on indigenous,now medias'propaganda is about the development whitch needs energy.We are firmly intentioned to protect the right of indigenous peoples to reject the invasion of hydropower. ENEL, Endesa-hydroaysen, norte energy: the development you are working for would destroy native ethnic groups native in South America. Lords of energy: you are ravageing nature and trample the rights of ancient and peaceful people,and causing our wrath!

Press - ESP
Ciudadanos del mundo,

La compañía Norte Energía, con el consentimiento del gobierno brazilero tiene la intención de construir en el Rio Xingu una mega represa de 11000 gigawatts de potencia, equivalente a 11 plantas nuclears. La tierra habitada de cerca de 20000 Kayapos serían inundadas por las aguas. El rio es muy importante en las tradiciones y cultura de los Kayapo, sufriría donos incalculables e irreversibles. Por otra parte, la gran masa de agua proveniente de la mega represa, alterara el clima de la gran region amazónica, con un decrecimiento de la lluvia que en gran medida anula la eficacia del proyecto hidroeléctrico mencionado. A los Kayapo nunca les consulto acerca del proyecto hidroeléctrico. Este viola el articulo 18 de la Declaración de los derechos de la población indígena: "El pueblo indígena tiene el derecho de participar en la toma de decisiones en asuntos que puedan afectar a sus derechos, mediante un representante escogido por ellos de acuerdo a sus procedimientos, y tendrá derecho a mantener y desarrollar sus propias instituciones de decisión indígenas". Los proyectos de enegía de ENEL, Endesa-hydroaysen y Norte Energía destruirían los siglos de grupos étnicos nativos de Brazil (Kayapo), Guatemala (Ixil) y Chile (Mapuche) de Sur America. El "moderno", "libre" occidente tanto ayer como hoy continúa su caza de culturas diferente a la suya a escala planetaria. En el pasado el occidente hablaba de su misión civilizadora sobre los pueblos indígenas, ahora habla de la necesidad de desarrollo de la energía. Tenemos firmemente intenciones de proteger el derecho de los pueblos indígenas para rechazar la invasión de hidroeléctricas. ENEL, Endesa-hydroaysen, Norte Energía: el desarrollo para el que están trabajando no se puede imaginar tratando de enmascarar la erradicación de los grupos de etnias nativas de Sur América, que es de hecho lo que están haciendo. Señores de la energía: sus proyectos, en nombre de la codicia sin límites están haciendo estragos, destruyendo la naturaleza y pisoteando los derechos de las poblaciones antiguas y pacíficas, despertando nuestra ira!

Press - ITA

Cittadini del mondo,

La società Norte Energia, col consenso del governo brasliano è intenzionata a costruire, sul fiume Xingu,una megadiga da 11000 gigawatt, potenza,equivalente a 11 centrali nucleari circa. Le terre abitate dai circa 20000 Kayapo sarebbero inondate dalle acque. Il fiume,centrale nelle tradizioni e nella culutura kayapo, subirebbe un danno incalcolabile ed irreversibile. Inoltre, l'enorme massa d'acqua convogliata nell'invaso della megadiga modificherebbe in modo irreparabile il clima dell'intera regione amazzonica, con una diminuzione delle piogge tale da vanificare in gran parte l'efficacia del citato progetto idroelettrico. I kayapo non sono mai stati consultati in merito alla decisione di costruire l'impianto idroelettrico. Ciò viola l'articolo 18 della dichiarazione dei diritti delle popolazioni indigene: "I popoli indigeni hanno il diritto di partecipare alla presa di decisioni in materie che potrebbero riguardare i loro diritti, mediante rappresentanti da loro scelti in conformità alle proprie pratiche, e hanno parimenti il diritto di mantenere e sviluppare le proprie istituzioni decisionali indigene". In Brasile, contro i kayapo,in Guatemala, contro gli ixil in Chile contro i mapuche, ENEL, Endesa-Hydroaysen, Norte Energia proseguono la plurisecolare aggressione alle etnie native dell' America del Sud. Il "moderno","libero", occidente ieri come oggi continua la sua caccia alle culture diverse dalla sua su scala planetaria. In passato la propaganda dell'occidente colonialista parlava della sua missione di civilizzazione nei confronti dei colonozzati oggi la retorica ci parla delle necessità energetiche dello sviluppo. E' dunque necessario tutelare il diritto delle popolazioni indigene a rifiutare l'invasione idroelettrica. ENEL, endesa-hydroaysen, norte energia: le esigenze energetiche dello sviluppo che immaginate non possono mascherare il tentativo di sradicamento delle etnie native del sud America che state di fatto attuando. Signori dell'energia: i vostri progetti, che nel nome di un'avidità sconfinata devastano la natura e calpestano i diritti di antichissime e pacifiche popolazioni, suscitano il nostro sdegno!



Lyon Turin Ferroviaire... Can you see it?


In order to confirm that the operation against LTF is not a fake
we attach the dump's database of www.ltf-sas.com

DATABASE LTF (no password needed)
www.ltf-sas.com - Lyon Turin Ferroviaire -LTF (Lyon Turin Ferroviaire)


LTF do not replicate?

Anonymous reply to On. Agostino Ghiglia

 We are watching you!

 Ghiglia's database (www.ghiglia.it) hack3d!

you have an idea of ​​what we can do with this?


1° TARGET - LTF (Lyon Turin Ferroviaire) DATABASE HACKED

...please re-enter the password !
TORINO-LIONE.it train of return

Operation Green Rights - Press NO TAV

Cittadini del mondo,
OperationGreenRights è decisa a testimoniare il suo sostegno alle popolazioni della val Susa che si battono contro la linea ad alta velocità.Un'opera molto costosa e non necessaria visto che il traforo del Frejus è sotto utilizzato e che non si prevedono incrementi dei traffici nei prossimi anni. Inoltre la Tav devasta le montagne, montagne che al loro interno contengono amianto ed uranio, che una volta polverizzati a causa dei lavori non possono certo giovare alla salute.
Rileviamo infine che come già per il tunnel del Mugello vi sono rischi di dissesti idrici e di inquinamento delle falde acquifere a causa delle citate polveri.
Ancora una volta nel nome di uno "sviluppo" inutile e del bieco interesse economico si tenta di violentare la natura e le proteste legittime sono demonizzate dai media e dal governo.
Noi di Anonymous, invece, uniamo oggi la nostra protesta a quella dei cittadini della val Susa e una volta di più ribadiamo ai potenti della terra: nessun vantaggio economico potrà mai essere barattato con la bellezza della natura incontaminata, nessun mirabolante "sviluppo" giustificherà mai le vostre immonde politiche schiave della fame di denaro!  

We are Anonymous
We are Legion.
We do not forgive. 
We do not forget. 
Expect us.
ENG Version:

Citizens of the World
OperationGreenRights is committed in giving all the support possible to the people of the Val Di Susa who fight against the construction of the TAV (high velocity train).
The TAV is incredibly costly(20 billion €) and completely unnecessary seeing as the Frejus tunnel is greately underused and the exchange of goods between France and Italy is diminishing,with a negative outlook for the future.
Moreover in order to build the TAV,the dwelling of a 54 km long tunnel is required,in a area rich of uranium and asbetos, two substances highly toxic, harmful and radioactive, that once released in the surrounding area will cause severe health problems to the people living there.
Some of the same concerns also applies to the Mugello tunnel, where the risks of landslides and water pollution are also relevant.
Yet again our government is trying to rape Nature in the name of the so called "progress" , but it's greed that drive them .
Anonymous wants to join the people of the Val di Susa protesting this nefarious infrastructure and we would like to remind to our government: NO economical advantage can be bartered for the integrity of the landscape and beautiful nature of Val di Susa;"progress" cannot justify your dirty deeds and your rampaging greed.

We are Anonymous 
We are Legion. 
We do not forgive. 
We do not forget. 
Expect us.

FR Version

Citoyens du monde
OperationGreenRights s'engage à donner tout le soutien possible aux populations du Val di Susa qui se battent contre la construction du TGV (train à grande vitesse).
Le TGV est incroyablement coûteux (20 milliards €) et totalement inutile car le tunnel du Fréjus est réellement sous-utilisés et l'échange de marchandises entre la France et l'Italie est en baisse, avec une perspective négative pour l'avenir.
De plus, afin de construire le TGV, la conception d'un tunnel de 54 km de long est requise, dans une région riche en uranium et asbestos, deux substances hautement toxiques, nocives et qui représentent des déchets radioactifs qui, une fois libérés dans l'environnement pourront causer de graves problèmes pour la santé des gens qui y vivent.
Certaines de ces préoccupations s'appliquent également pour le tunnel du Mugello, où les risques de glissements de terrain et la pollution de l'eau sont également pertinents.
Encore une fois, notre gouvernement tente de violer la nature au nom du soi-disant «progrès», mais c'est la cupidité qui les anime.
Anonymous veut rejoindre les populations du Val di Susa pour protester contre cette infrastructure néfaste et nous tenons à rappeler à notre gouvernement: qu'AUCUN avantage économique ne peut être troqué contre l'intégrité du paysage et la nature magnifique du Val di Susa, le «progrès» ne peut justifier vos sales actes et votre avidité déchaînée.

Nous sommes Anonymous
Nous sommes Légion
Nous ne pardonnons pas
Nous n'oublions pas
Attendez-vous à nos actions


NO TAV : Anonymous is near you in the fight

support to NO-TAV
The protest is in support to all those who are struggling against the planned high-speed line in the Susa Valley.
We believe like them that it is a useless for the Italian and European populations, and that is driven by various lobbies who see the possibility of large and dirty business.

Anon being investigated the matter possible leaks in the coming days


Hacked Semarnat's Database LEAK

#Operation Green Rights 


Hacked Semarnat's Database LEAK: http://pastehtml.com/view/bchu8mfaj.html

Press Release:

        [ La presentación es en en español también, utilice "Control + F" para ir a su idioma deseado.]


The stadium itself can be moved but La Pastora can never be replaced.

In 2011, which has been declared by the UN as the International Year of Forests the decision was taken to allow urban forest deforestation.
The last remaining forest in the metropolitan area of ​​Monterrey; a city of about 4 million inhabitants and a deficit of 15 million square meters of green areas by the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Thirty civil society organizations sent a letter on Wednesday October 5th to the board of the company FEMSA, in which they expressed their position on the project concerning building a football stadium on the campus of the forest "La Pastora".

We wish to express to the company our great concern about this project because it involves severe impact to the city and its inhabitants such as environmental issues, quality of life, human rights, peace, civil rights and animal protection, among others.

For example; as documented by the Management Program of the New Ecological Park La Pastora, of the Department of Parks and Wildlife of Nuevo Leon; La Pastora is the home of 106 animal species of which 8 are under risk status or protection status under the NOM 059 SEMARNAT. The construction of the stadium implies to destroy a part of the habitat and causes also a major disruption for the rest of it; which is also a place of refuge for monarch butterflies as well as various local and migratory birds such as herons, ducks, swallows, falcons, hawks , eagles.

A private business has been handed 24.5 acres of public good for the construction of the stadium project. So far they haven't explained in a proper way why it is more important to assure the goods of Neolonesa rather than to preserve the forest as an ecosystem and public space.

In the letter that will be send to FEMSA (attached) you may learn about other damages that should be considered. We think that, having these ecological threats in mind and the fact that the constrution could easily take place in other sites, are enough reasons for the company to reconsider and finally decide to place the football field in another location so La Pastora remains untouched.

The current campaing that FAO is conducting; known as "Forests for the people", emphasizes the fact that people need to learn about the great value of the forests as an ecosystem, what they are and the essential part that they play in our lives. Calling for the people to defend them and assure the protection of such. Having said that, and as part of this society, we'll try to acomplish this task, defending what we think is fair and what we think is in the best interest for the community as a whole, and not just for a single company. This is just the first step and an announcement for other organizations and individuals to step forward to  take action for what is ethical and worth fighting for.

For all of the above reasons Anonymous will begin a war to mantain La Pastora's safety. We will begin the attack at full force, and we will not stop until we are certain that La Pastora will remain to be the safe haven for all the animals which strive there.

We Are Anonymous.
We Are Legion.
We Do Not Forget.
We Do Not Forgive.
Expect Us.

Organizations signing the letter to FEMSA in alphabetical order:

1.     1@1 Paz
2.     Actívate y Recicla A. C.
3.     Alianza Cívica A. C.
4.     Animanaturalis A. C.
5.     Biciérnagas
6.     Ciudadanos en apoyo a los Derechos Humanos, A. C. (CADHAC)
7.     Casa Tibet, Sede Monterrey
8.     Cocletas
9.     Contingente Monterrey
10.  Centro de Recursos para la Investigación y el Aprendizaje sobre Animales A. C. (CRIAA)
11.  Enlace Potosino A. C.
12.  Fundación Luca A. C.
13.  Fundación Patitas con Amor A. C.
14.  Gandhi Peace Foundation A. C.
15.  Género, Ética y Salud Sexual A. C. (GESSAC)
16.  Greenpeace Monterrey
17.  La Bola
18.  Más Allá de la Marcha
19.  Organización de Voluntarios para la Protección Animal A. C. (OVOPA)
20.  Paseo a Ciegas Monterrey
21.  Procuración de Justicia Étnica A. C.
22.  Pro Defensa Animal A. C. (PRODAN)
23.  Propuesta Cívica A. C.
24.  Pueblo Bicicletero
25.  Reacción Ciudadana
26.  Revolución Antitaurina
27.  Somos Uno Radio
28.  Tierra Turquesa
29.  Yolkati
30.  Zihuame Mochilla A. C.



El estadio sí se puede trasladar,  pero La Pastora no se puede reemplazar

En este 2011, que ha sido declarado por Naciones Unidas como el Año  Internacional de los Bosques, se ha tomado la decisión de permitir  deforestar el último bosque urbano que queda en el área metropolitana de  Monterrey, ciudad con alrededor de 4 millones de habitantes y un  déficit de 15 millones de metros cuadrados de áreas verdes según los  estándares de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS).

A treinta organizaciones de la sociedad civil enviaremos hoy miércoles 5  de octubre al Consejo Administrador de la empresa FEMSA una carta para  expresarle nuestra postura en relación al proyecto de la construcción de  un estadio de futbol en el predio del bosque “La Pastora”.

Deseamos manifestarle a la empresa nuestra enorme preocupación por este  proyecto debido a que implica severas afectaciones para la ciudad y sus  habitantes en los ámbitos correspondientes a medio ambiente, calidad de vida, derechos humanos, paz, derechos ciudadanos, protección a los  animales, entre otros.

Por ejemplo, según lo documenta el Programa de Manejo del Nuevo Parque  Ecológico “La Pastora”, de la Dirección de Parques y Vida Silvestre de  Nuevo León, “La Pastora” es el hogar de 106 especies animales, de las  cuales 8 tienen estatus de riesgo o protección según la Norma Oficial  Mexicana NOM 059 SEMARNAT. La construcción del estadio en este lugar  implica terminar con una parte de dicho hábitat y perturbar el resto,  que es además el lugar de acogida de mariposas monarca, así como de  diversas aves locales y migratorias, como garzas, patos, golondrinas,  halcones, gavilanes, águilas.

Se le ha entregado a la empresa 24.5 hectáreas de un bien público para  la construcción del proyecto del estadio, un negocio privado, sin que  hasta el momento se haya explicado de manera satisfactoria cómo es que  este hecho representa un bien mayor para la sociedad neolonesa que el de  preservar el bosque que ahí se tiene (o tenía), como ecosistema y como  espacio público.

En la carta que enviaremos a FEMSA (adjunta) pueden leerse otros daños  que nos parecen relevantes de tomar en cuenta, siendo ellos y el hecho  de que existan lugares alternos en la ciudad para construir el estadio  razones suficientes para que la empresa reconsidere la idea y mueva el  proyecto a un sitio que permita a la población tanto disfrutar de un  estadio como preservar el espacio público y la riqueza natural del  bosque La Pastora.

La campaña que actualmente tiene la FAO “Los bosques para las personas”  llama a la gente a tomar conciencia en relación a los enormes beneficios  de los bosques como ecosistemas que son y al papel fundamental que  todos nosotros tenemos para lograr su protección. Así pues, y como parte  de la sociedad civil organizada que somos, tratamos de llevar a cabo la  labor que nos corresponde, defendiendo lo que pensamos es lo más justo y  de mayor beneficio para la comunidad en su conjunto. ésta es sólo una  primera acción y ala vez invitación a que más organizaciones e  individuos se sumen a tomar postura y acción en favor de lo que  consideren ético y justo defender.

Organizaciones firmantes de la carta a FEMSA por orden alfabético:

1.     1@1 Paz
2.     Actívate y Recicla A. C.
3.     Alianza Cívica A. C.
4.     Animanaturalis A. C.
5.     Biciérnagas
6.     Ciudadanos en apoyo a los Derechos Humanos, A. C. (CADHAC)
7.     Casa Tibet, Sede Monterrey
8.     Cocletas
9.     Contingente Monterrey
10.  Centro de Recursos para la Investigación y el Aprendizaje sobre Animales A. C. (CRIAA)
11.  Enlace Potosino A. C.
12.  Fundación Luca A. C.
13.  Fundación Patitas con Amor A. C.
14.  Gandhi Peace Foundation A. C.
15.  Género, Ética y Salud Sexual A. C. (GESSAC)
16.  Greenpeace Monterrey
17.  La Bola
18.  Más Allá de la Marcha
19.  Organización de Voluntarios para la Protección Animal A. C. (OVOPA)
20.  Paseo a Ciegas Monterrey
21.  Procuración de Justicia Étnica A. C.
22.  Pro Defensa Animal A. C. (PRODAN)
23.  Propuesta Cívica A. C.
24.  Pueblo Bicicletero
25.  Reacción Ciudadana
26.  Revolución Antitaurina
27.  Somos Uno Radio
28.  Tierra Turquesa
29.  Yolkati
30.  Zihuame Mochilla A. C.

Por las razones expuestas Anonymous comenzará una guerra por la seguridad de La Pastora. Vamos a empezar el ataque a toda fuerza, y no nos detendremos hasta que estemos seguros de que La Pastora seguirá siendo el refugio seguro para todos los animales que se refugian por allí.

Somos Anonymous.
Somos legión.
No nos olvidamos.
No perdonamos.


Tarmageddon Phase Two

Citizens of the World:

Anonymous' Operation Green Rights would like to call to your attention an urgent situation in North America, perpetuated by the boundless greed of the usual suspects: Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips, Canadian Oil Sands Ltd., Imperial Oil, the Royal Bank of Scotland, The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, and many others.

The Tar Sands oil extraction industry is an environmental disaster.

Also known as the oil sands, Tar Sands are one of the largest remaining deposits of oil in the world. Efforts to extract the resource from a mix of clay and other materials underneath Canada’s Boreal forest have created the biggest, and by the accounts of numerous scientists and environmental groups, the most environmentally devastating energy project on Earth.

On August 20th through September 3rd, activists young and old are gathering in Washington D.C. for ten days of civil disobedience in protest of the tar sands oil industry, and to call out for safer and cleaner alternatives.

Anonymous now joins this international struggle for the rights of the world's citizens to a clean environment , and against all industries that threaten the future health of the world's living things.

We stand in solidarity with any citizen willing to peacefully risk arrest to call out corporate abuse. The people of Earth will not stand by idly and let these environmental atrocities continue.

This is not the clean energy of the future that we are being promised.

We will - over the course of the next few weeks - use the powers we posses to spread news about this protest to viral proportions, and to share damning information about the corporations involved.

We all must work together to expose the corruption that we all KNOW is beneath this.

Anonymous will provide air support and lulz as the activists in D.C. confront this dire issue on the streets. We urge you to get involved. Join the protest if you are close enough. Donate money to the organizations involved with the struggle. If you're not nearby enough to Washington D.C., join us in the IRC listed below to experiment in how we can spread word of this protest, and disobey civilly in our own ways.

The continued development of the tar sands is a major step backwards in the effort to curb the pollution and poisoning of our natural environment. Anonymous will not suffer this without a fight, and Operation Green Rights will always support the rights of the people to live in an unpolluted world and to safeguard it for the future one way or another.

We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expect us.

IRC: irc.anonops.li channel #operationgreenrights

Location of Protest: White House, Washington D.C.
Sign up to protest! http://www.tarsandsaction.org/sign-up/


Operation Green Rights presents: Project Tarmeggedon

Free-thinking citizens of the world:
Anonymous' Operation Green Rights calls your attention to an urgent situation in North America perpetuated by the boundless greed of the usual suspects: Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips, Canadian Oil Sands Ltd., Imperial Oil, the Royal Bank of Scotland, and many others.
This week, activists are gathering along U.S. Highway 12 in Montana to protest the transformation of a serene wilderness into an industrial shipping route, bringing "megaloads" of refinery equipment to the Alberta Tar Sands in Canada (see Tar Sands FAQ Sheet below).
Anonymous now joins the struggle against "Big Oil" in the heartland of the US. We stand in solidarity with any citizen willing to protest corporate abuse. Anonymous will not stand by idly and let these environmental atrocities continue. This is not the clean energy of the future that we are being promised.

We will, over the course of the next few days, use the powers we posses to spread news about this scenario and the corporations involved. We are actively seeking leaks to expose the corruption that we all KNOW is beneath this. Anonymous will support the activists on July 13-14 when they initiate civil disobedience and direct action to confront this dire issue. We urge you to get involved. Montana and Idaho citizens, we ask you to join local protests and attend the Highway 12 rally if you are close enough! If you're not, join us in the IRC listed below for our own good times.
The continued development of the tar sands is a major step backward in the effort to curb global warming. Anonymous will not suffer this without a fight, and Operation Green Rights will always support the rights of the people to live in an unpolluted world, and aim to help safeguard it for the future. One way or another.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

IRC:  irc.anonops.li  channel #operationgreenrights

Location of Protest: http://tinyurl.com/5sy57bg
Sign up to protest!  http://www.tarsandsaction.org/sign-up/


Anonymous : " EDF... We are watching you "

Target: Électricité de France (www.edf.com) - 02 June 2011 - 13 GMT +1 | WAIT Stay Tune !! | Flyer op: http://bit.ly/l4d3kW | OpGreenRights Blog: http://bit.ly/miU1CS | Facebook: http://on.fb.me/kFKhiN | Anonymous Guide: http://goo.gl/8rB7d


Support Maya's Communities against ENEL



OperationGreenRights -Target : WWW.GE.COM (General Electric)

Target : WWW.GE.COM (General Electric)
Special thanks to all those who are supporting us.
We are still on #OPGE

irc.anonops.li 6697