
Stop GREEN MAFIA , Stop palm oil crops , Stop wood destruction in Borneo

In 2005 Monsanto,WWF,Syngenta,Cargill, and other few partners, founded the Round Table on Responsible soy (RTRS), and the Round table on Responsible Palm Oil. These associations, till now, certify the environmental sustainability of the cultivations by Monsanto and other groups.In the aforementioned crops Monsanto and other growers uses Round up(a pesticide by Monsanto based on glyphosate) which provokes cancer and genetic alterations. Furthermore,Round Up rends soil sterile in few years.
Often pristine forest is destroyed in order to grow oil palms or soy. In Borneo 13,920 hectares of the pristine forest have been destroyed.The pristine forest of Borneo was the habitat of orang utan. Only 80 hectares of the forest were preserved from the destruction. Now less than 10 orangutans are living there.The aforementioned palm oil's crops in Borneo are owned by a firm named Wilmar International.Wilmar International uses round up and GMO in its coltures in Borneo. RSPO, and WWF, certifies that the cultures of oil palm by Wilmar have been deforested in a sustainable way. All these accusations are included in a film by the German public television ARD of the June 22,2011. Different sources say that 4000 hectares on 14,000 and not only 80,as reported by ARD television, hasn't been destroyed. However is a massive deforestation that endanger the life of orang utan.

How can coltures which destroy forests,animal and nature, be environmentally sustainable?
Your environmentalist mask cannot hide the devastation of different cultures and living beings by Monsanto, Wilmar international and other greedy big firms of genetic agro-business.

WWF Indonesia HACKED! 

CSV file from WWF INDONESIA domain 
(rafflesia.wwf.or.id & earthhour.wwf.or.id)

PARTNER DB http://pastebin.com/m9zqN6cc


#Anonymous #OperationGreenRights #DDOS - WWF certified ECO SUSTAINABLE

#Anonymous  #OperationGreenRights #DDOS - WWF certified ECO SUSTAINABLE

DDOS - www.worldwildlife.org TANGO DOWN


In 2005 Monsanto,WWF,Syngenta,Cargill, and other few partners, founded the Round Table on Responsible soy (RTRS), and the Round table on Responsible Palm Oil. These associations, till now, certify the environmental sustainability of the cultivations by Monsanto and other groups.In the aforementioned crops Monsanto and other growers uses Round up(a pesticide by Monsanto based on glyphosate) which provokes cancer and genetic alterations. Furthermore,Round Up rends soil sterile in few years.
Often pristine forest is destroyed in order to grow oil palms or soy. In Borneo 13,920 hectares of the pristine forest have been destroyed.The pristine forest of Borneo was the habitat of orang utan. Only 80 hectares of the forest were preserved from the destruction. Now less than 10 orangutans are living there.The aforementioned palm oil's crops in Borneo are owned by a firm named Wilmar International.Wilmar International uses round up and GMO in its coltures in Borneo. RSPO, and WWF, certifies that the cultures of oil palm by Wilmar have been deforested in a sustainable way. All these accusations are included in a film by the German public television ARD of the June 22,2011. Different sources say that 4000 hectares on 14,000 and not only 80,as reported by ARD television, hasn't been destroyed. However is a massive deforestation that endanger the life of orang utan.

How can coltures which destroy forests,animal and nature, be environmentally sustainable?
Your environmentalist mask cannot hide the devastation of different cultures and living beings by Monsanto, Wilmar international and other greedy big firms of genetic agro-business.

We are anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us!

Dal 2005 esistono la Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS), la Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), associazioni in cui rappresentanti di Monsanto, Syngenta, Cargill, WWF,(e pochi altri partners) certificano la sostenibilità ambientale delle piantagioni di palma da olio e soia di Monsanto e altri produttori.
In queste colture viene impiegato il diserbante Round Up e sementi geneticamente modificate.
Recenti ricerche mostrano che il round up provoca tumori e mutazioni genetiche alle persone esposte alla sua azione.
Inoltre,il citato diserbante contamina e rende rapidamente sterile il terreno.
Spesso le piantagioni (di soia o di palma da olio) certificate dal WWF sono relizzate sacrificando aree incontaminate.
Nella foresta del Borneo in Indonesia ben 13.920 ettari su 14.000 disponibili sono stati distrutti per far posto alle palme da olio OGM irrorate con il Round UP.
Ricordiamo che le foreste del Borneo sono l'habitat degli orang utan.
Negli 80 ettari sopravvissuti alla distruzione gli orang utan vivi sono meno di una decina.
Naturalmente il WWF, tramite la RSPO ( Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) ha certificato che le aree sottoposte a coltura dalla Wilmar International in Borneo hanno subito "deforestazione sostenibile".
A queste accuse riprese il 22 Giugno 2011 della televisione pubblica tedesca ARD , è stato controbattuto che la fotografia aerea delle aree in questione mostra che 4000 ettari sarebbero scampati alla distruzione.
Comunque sia si tratta di una deforestazione massiccia e che, inoltre, mette a repentaglio l'esistenza degli orang utan.
" Come possono piantagioni nate in nome della più spietata avidità, che devastano le foreste e mettono a repentaglio la natura e gli animali essere ecosostenibili? 
Il tuo ambientalismo di facciata non può mascherare la devastazione dell'ambiente delle forme di vita perpetrata da Monsanto e dalle altre grandi industrie della genetica."

Ma Anonymous e #OperationGreenRights non dimenticano.

We are anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us!

Les associations Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS) et Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) existent depuis 2005. Avec ces associations, des représentants de Monsanto, Syngenta, Cargill, WWF (et une poignée d'autre partenaires), certifient que leur culture de soja et de palme sont durables pour l'environnement.
Dans ces cultures est souvent utilisé le désherbant Round Up et de semances génétiquement modifiées.
Des recherches récentes montrent que le round up provoque tumeurs et mutations génétiques aux personnent exposées à son action.
En outre, ce désherbant contamine et rend rapidement stériles le sol.
Souvent les cultures (de soja ou de palme) certifiés par le WWF sont réalisés en sacrifiant des aires encore non contanimées. [[peu faire mieux!!]]
Dans la forêt du Bornéo, en Indonésie, bien 13.920 hectares sur les 14.000 disponibles ont été détruits pour laisser la place aux palmes pour huile OGM irrorés avec le Round Up.
Rappelons que les forêts du Bornéo sont l'habitat des orang utan.
Dans les 80 hectares qui ont survécu à la destruction, les orang utan vivants sont moins d'une dizaine.
Naturellement le WWF, à travers le RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) a certifié que l'aire soumise à culture de Wilmar International dans le Bornéo ont subit une "déforestation durable".
À ces accusations, réprises le 22 juin 2011 de la télévision publique allemande ARD, le WWF à répondu en disant que la photographie aériennce des aires en question montre que 4000 hectares auraient échappés à la déstruction.
Quoi que l'on dise, il s'agît bel et bien d'une déforestation massive et qui met en outre en peril l'existence des orang utan.
WWF:  " Come possono piantagioni nate in nome della più spietata avidità, che  devastano le foreste e mettono a repentaglio la natura e gli animali  essere ecosostenibili?
Il  tuo ambientalismo di facciata non può mascherare la devastazione  dell'ambiente delle forme di vita perpetrata da Monsanto e dalle altre  grandi industrie della genetica."
«Comment pouvons-né plantations au nom de la cupidité la plus impitoyable, qui dévastent les forêts et mettre en danger les animaux et la nature d'être respectueux de l'environnement?Votre façade ne peut pas déguiser l'écologie de la dévastation des formes de vie perpétrées par Monsanto et d'autres grandes industries de la génétique.
We are anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us!

Press ( ENG-ITA-FR ) : http://pastebin.com/kPLGfhFt
www.worldwildlife.org TANGO DOWN


[update-19 Sept] In support of Occupy-Monsanto Monsanto sites DEFACED.


1° LEAKS-info: http://pastebin.com/M1QzDBYJ
DEFACE mirror monsanto.co.th : http://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/18363717
[update] Data dumped from monsanto.co.ukprivatepaste.com/5ec43bc888
HACKED again!

Anonymous support to #Occupy Monsanto

17th/23rd September, Occupy Monsanto, International Mobilization

In occasion of the international mobilization against Monsanto, we also unite
to the efforts of all the groups involved saying STOP
STOP to the production of genetically modified organisms aimed to conquer larger and larger market shares
STOP to market logics like the production of RR2 products, resistant to the effects of glyphosates
produced from Monsanto themselves, dangerous to human health (they only started to document cases of genetic malformations) and to the enviroment (the impoverishment and soil sterilization caused by insecticides and monocultures)
to the international crimes that see government bodies involved, Non Governative Organizations created and subsidized from Corporations and Governments, with the aim of increasing a civic sense
aimed to cover with the blanket of morality the most shameful human actions.
With this operation we want to put on the same level Monsanto and a world organization that we were taught to appreciate: the World Wildlife Foundation.
STOP the World Wildlife Foundation!!! The World Wildlife Foundation certifies all the genetically modified products of Monsanto, the World Wildlife Foundation certifies that the areas where the genetically modified products of Monsanto are grown, in south America and Asia, are subjected to "sustainable deforestation", the same areas ripped from the forest for the building of Highway RS163 (a way to transport the biggest traffics of the planet, from cocaine to Niobium), or for the construction of tens of power plants arising in the Amazon, like the dam of Belo Monte wich we harshly fight.
STOP to the "green Mafia", to this facade ecology, aimed to make pleasant to the public opinion the biggest filthiness of the planet.
STOP making believe the whole world that an alternative does not exist.

We are coming,
We are anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us!


On the occasion of the international mobilization against Monsanto Inc., we join the efforts of all the groups involved saying STOP.
STOP GMO production aimed at conquering ever larger market shares.
STOP the logic of a market which produces products such as RR2, that are resilient to gylcophosphates* produced by Monsanto Inc. itself, which are very dangerous
for humans. (The first documentations about genetic malformations begin to appear) and habitats (The overexploitation of the soil caused by pesticides and 

In particular, in Paraguay, wealthy landowners of the UGP group use more and more violent methods against citizens who occupy lands entrusted to them by a past
agrarian reform.
One of the goals of the UGP group is to plant on the lands the kind of genetically modified seeds from Monsanto Inc. which are resilient to glycophosphate pesticides.
Once again we see the environment polluted and destroyed and large companies interests put before the law and food safety.
Once again we see small and very small farmers, whose rights are denied and their lives disrupted in the name of profit.

We join the struggle that Vandana Shiva has been carrying on for 30 years against Monsanto and intensive farming with the Navdanya (www.navdanya.org/) association.

Recently in Europe, the EU has reiterated that the country may not prevent the Community directives which provide for the introduction of transgenic seeds resistant to glycophosates.
This of course will cause the intensive use of the aforementioned carcinogenic pesticides and genetically modified seeds.
Let us also note that Monsanto has established the "Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS)" and the "Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)"
How can transgenic crops, grown by destroying small farmers and the biodiversity that they are protecting, where carcinogenic pesticides, even harmful for the fetus, are employed, be labelled as eco-sustainable? 
Many areas where Monsanto works are subject to deforestation.  This means that, for example, the Amazonic forest has been partly destroyed to make space for Monsanto crops.

WWF members with Monsanto representatives participate in associations with RTRS and RSPO, associations that certify that the land where Monsanto grows its crops, were subject to "sustainable deforestation".

We think that it's important to remember the very existence that big areas of the Amazonic forest are already under the threat of hydroelectric projects by many South American states, projects that are being implemented by forcing native populations, the last representative of antique cultures, to abandon their lands and their customs. This is a true ethnic cleansing committed by big brick firms and energy companies against South American natives. For example, in Belo Monte (Brazil), natives are seeing the existence of their very  community threatened by the big hydroelectric barrage project of Norte Energia. Against this dam that will flood many hectares of Amazonic forest and will drain the Xingu river, threatening the very existence of many native populations, OperationGreenRights is fighting and will continue to fight.
Other lands have been stolen from the Amazonic forest by the RS 163, the way of the biggest traffics on earth: from cocaine to niobium*.
With this operation we want to put on the same level Monsanto and a global NGO that we were taught to respect: WWF.
We intend to fight against those international crimes, that see governmental and non-governmental organizations created and subsidized by multinationals and States, with the goal of increasing a civic sense to fight with morality the most shameful of human actions.
Monsanto, WWF: no round table, no eco-sustainable certificate will negate the damage to the forests caused by the intensive farming, your paper sheets will not make the soil of your crops less damaged by the Round Up, a glyphosate-based pesticide that Monsanto itself produces and uses. Your useless pretended warranties will not compensate the Paraguayan farmer for the violent campaign to expulse them from the properties that the land reform gives them.

Monsanto: nothing can hide the social and ecological havoc that the diffusion of your seeds and pesticides is generating globally.

We are coming,
We are anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us!

17/23 Settembre, Occupy Monsanto, mobilitazione internazionale.
In  occasione della mobilitazione internazionale contro Monsanto, ci uniamo  anche noi allo sforzo di tutti i gruppi coinvolti dicendo STOP
STOP alla produzione di OGM finalizzati a conquistare fette di mercato sempre più ampie
STOP  a logiche di mercato quali la produzione dei prodotti RR2, resistenti  agli effetti dei glifosati prodotti dalla stessa Monsanto, dannosi per  la salute dell'uomo (si iniziano a documentare casi di malformazioni  genetiche) e dell'ambiente (l'impoverimento e la sterilizzazione del  terreno provocato dagli insetticidi e dalle monoculture).
In  Particolare In Paraguay i potenti latifondisti del gruppo UGP usano  metodi sempre più violenti contro i contadini che occupano terre che  legittimamente una precedente riforma agraria ha loro affidato.
Uno degli obbiettivi di UGP è piantare su quelle terre sementi transgeniche Monsanto resistenti ai glifosati. 
Ancora  una volta vediamo l'ambiente distrutto ed inquinato e gli interessi di  grandi gruppi voraci anteposti al diritto alla sicurezza alimentare.
Ancora  una volta i piccoli e piccolissimi coltivatori vedono i loro diritti  negati e le loro vite sconvolte in nome del profitto.
Ci uniamo alla lotta che Vadana Shiva perpetra da 30 anni contro Monsanto e la coltivazione intensiva, attaverso l'associazione Navdanya (www.navdanya.org/)
In Europa invece recentemente la UE ( Unione Europea ) ha ribadito che i Paesi  membri non possono opporsi alle direttive comunitarie che prevedono  l'introduzione  di sementi transgeniche resistenti ai glifosati. 
Ciò ovviamente provocherà l'uso intensivo del citato pesticida cancerogeno e di sementi geneticamente modificate.
Facciamo  inoltre notare che Monsanto ha costituito la Round Table on Responsible  Soy (RTRS), la  Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), associazioni  in cui rappresentanti, Monsanto, WWF certificano la sostenibilità  ambientale delle colture di Olio di palma e soia Monsanto.
Ma  come possono essere ecosostenibili colture di organismi transgenici,  coltivati distruggendo i piccoli agricoltori e la biodiversità da essi  tutelata, e dove per di più vengono impiegati pesticidi cancerogeni e  addirittura nocivi per il feto?
Molte  aree in cui opera monsanto sono state sottoposte a deforestazione. Ciò  significa che, ad esempio,la foresta amazzonica è stata in parte  abbattuta per fare spazio alle coltivazioni Monsanto.
Anche  riguardo  alla deforestazione membri di WWF assieme a rappresentanti  Monsanto  sono membri di associazioni affini alle citate (RTRS &  RSPO) che certificano che le colture Monsanto sorgono su terreni  sottoposti a "deforestazione sostenibile".
Ci  sembra opportuno ricordare che l'esistenza di ampie aree della foresta  amazzonica è già minacciata dai progetti idroelettrici di molti stati  sudamericani, progetti che vengono attuati costringendo le popolazioni  native, ultime rappresentanti di culture antichissime, ad abbandonare le  proprie terre e le proprie usanze. Questa è una  vera e propria pulizia etnica perpetrata dalle grandi aziende del  mattone e dell'energia ai danni degli indigeni sudamericani. Ad esempio,  a Belo Monte in Brazile gli indigeni vedono minacciata l'esistenza  stessa della propria comunità a causa del grande progetto di diga  idroelettrica di Norte Energia. Contro tale opera che inonderà molti  ettari di foresta amazzonica e prosciugherà  il fiume Xingu, mettendo a repentaglio l'esistenza stessa di molte  popolazioni indigene, OperationGreenRights si è battuta e si batterà  strenuamente.
Altre  terre sono state strappate alla foresta amazzonica dalla RS 163, via di  comunicazione dei più grandi traffici della terra, da quello della  cocaina fino a quello del niobio.
Con  questa operazione vogliamo mettere sullo stesso piano Monsanto e  un'organizzazione mondiale che ci è stato insegnato ad apprezzare: WWF.
Intendiamo   lottare contro quelli che sono veri e propri misfatti internazionali   che vedono protagonisti enti governativi ed ONG create e sovvenzionate   da multinazionali e Stati, finalizzate ad accrescere un senso civico   indirizzato a coprire con la coltre della moralità le azioni umane più   indegne.
Monsanto,  WWF: nessuna tavola rotonda , nessun certificato di ecosostenibilità  farà  si che i danni provocati alle foreste dalla coltivazione intensiva  siano rimarginati, i vostri fogli di carta non rendono il suolo  impiegato nelle vostre colture meno danneggiato dal Round Up, pesticida a  base di glifosato che Monsanto stessa produce ed impiega; le  vostre inutili garanzie di facciata non risarciscono i contadini  Paraguayani per la violenta campagna di allontanamento dalle terre che  la riforma agraria affida loro.
Monsanto:  niente può oscurare lo scempio sociale ed ambientale che la diffusione  delle vostre sementi e pesticidi stà generando su scala globale.

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect Us!

17/23 de setembro, Occupy Monsanto, a mobilização internacional.
Em ocasião da mobilização internacional contra a Monsanto, juntamos os esforços de todos os grupos envolvidos dizendo PARE
PARE a produção de OGM destinado a ganhar quota de mercado cada vez maior
PARE  as lógicas do mercado, tais como a produção de RR2, resistente aos  efeitos da glifosados produzidos pela Monsanto, que são prejudiciais  para a saúde humana (os estudiantes começam a documentar casos de  defeitos de nascimento) e do ambiente (esgotamento e esterilização terra  causados ​​por agrotóxicos e monocultura).

Nós  se juntar à luta que Vadana Shiva continua por 30 anos contra a  Monsanto e cultivo intensivo, através da associação Navdanya (www.navdanya.org/)

No  Paraguai, em particular os fazendeiros poderosos da PMU vam a utilizar  cada vez métodos mais violentos contra os camponeses que ocupam terras  que legitimamente a reforma agrária anterior lhes confiou.
Um dos objectivos da PMU é plantar naquelas terras sementes transgênicas resistentes a Monsanto glifosados.
Mais  uma vez vemos o meio ambiente destruído e poluído e os interesses dos  grandes grupos vorazes prefixado no direito à segurança alimentar.
Mais uma vez, os pequenos e muito pequenos agricultores, cujos direitos são negados e suas vidas interrompidas em nome do lucro.
Na  Europa, no entanto, recentemente, a UE (União Europeia) reiterou que os  países não podem evitar que as directivas comunitárias que prevêem a  introdução de sementes transgênicas resistentes a glifosados.
Isto,  obviamente, irá resultar na utilização generalizada do pesticida  mencionado sementes cancerígenas e geneticamente modificados.
Vamos  notar também que a Monsanto tem sido a Mesa Redonda da Soja Responsável  (RTRS), a Mesa Redonda do Óleo de Palma Sustentável (RSPO), em que os  representantes das associações, a Monsanto, a WWF certifica a  sustentabilidade ambiental dos cultivos de óleo de palma e de soja da  Monsanto.
Mas  como pode o cultivo sustentável de organismos transgênicos, cultivada  destruir pequenos agricultores e biodiversidade protegida por elas, e  onde eles são usados ​​para pesticidas mais cancerígenos e até mesmo  prejudiciais para o feto?
Muitas  áreas em que atua Monsanto foram submetidos ao desmatamento. Isto  significa que, por exemplo, a floresta amazônica foi parcialmente  demolida para dar lugar a cultivos da Monsanto.
Também  com relação aos membros de desmatamento da WWF, juntamente com  representantes da Monsanto, são membros de associações relacionadas com o  acima (RTRS & RSPO) que certificam culturas Monsanto ficam na terra  sujeita a "exploração sustentável".
Parece  oportuno lembrar que a existência de grandes áreas de floresta  amazônica já ameaçada por projetos hidrelétricos de muitos  sul-americanos, os projetos que estão sendo implementadas forçando a  população nativa, os últimos representantes de culturas antigas, a  abandonar suas terras e seus costumes. Esta é uma verdadeira limpeza  étnica perpetrada por grandes empresas no tijolo e de energia, em  detrimento dos indígenas sul-americanos. Por exemplo, em Belo Monte no  Brasil, os nativos estão ameaçou a própria existência da comunidade por  causa da grande hidrelétrica do projeto Norte Energia. Contra uma obra  que vai inundar muitos hectares de floresta e secarà o rio Xingu,  ameaçando a própria existência de muitos povos indígenas,  OperationGreenRights lutou e lutará ferozmente.
Outras  terras foram arrancados da floresta amazônica por RS 163, os meios de  comunicação dos maiores negócios da terra, da cocaína ao nióbio.
Com esta operação, queremos equiparar Monsanto e uma organização global que nos foi ensinado a apreciar: WWF.
Temos  a intenção de lutar contra aqueles que são crimes reais que são  perpetradas à agências internacionais governamentais e ONG criada e  financiada por empresas e estados, visando aumentar o senso de cidadania  direcionada para cobrir com o manto da moralidade dos atos humanos mais  indignos.
Monsanto,  WWF: não mesa redonda, nenhum certificado de sustentabilidade ambiental  vai a parar danos às florestas por agricultura intensiva, o seu papel  não faz o solo utilizado em suas culturas menos danificada pelo Round  Up, baseado pesticida glifosado, que própria Monsanto produz e utiliza,  sua fachada garantias inútil não compensar os agricultores para a  campanha paraguaios violenta de separação de terras que a reforma  agrária dá-los.
Monsanto:  nada pode obscurecer o caos social e ambiental que a divulgação de sua  semente, e pesticidas está a gerar em uma escala global.

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect Us!

A l'occasion de la mobilisation internationale contre Monsanto, nous nous joignons aux efforts de tous les groupes d'activistes déterminés à dire STOP.
STOP à la production d'OMG visant à conquérir toujours plus de parts de marché.
STOP aux logiques de marchés telles que la production de produits RR2, qui sont résistants à l'effet des glycophophates* produites par Monsanto elle-même, et qui sont très dangeureux pour l'être humain (les premiers documents au sujet de mutations génétiques ont commencé à voir le jour) ainsi que pour l'environnement (l'apprauvrissement et la stérilisation des terres provoquées les insecticides et la monoculture).
Tout particulièrement au Paraguay, les riches propriétaires terriens du groupe UGP utilisent des méthodes de plus en plus violentes à l'encontre des fermiers qui vivent de terres qui leur ont été confiées par le passé lors de la réforme agraire.
Un des buts du groupe UGP est de semer sur les terres une variété génétiquement modifiée par Monsanto et qui sont résistantes aux glycophosphates.
Encore une fois nous voyons l'environnement détruits et pollué et les interêts des grands groups primer sur le droit à la sécuritée alimentaire.
Encore une fois les petits et minuscules cultivateurs voient leur droits bafoués et leur vies boulversées en nom du profit.
Nous nous unissons à la lutte que Vandana Shiva mène depuis trente ans contre Monsanto et l'agriculture intensive à travers l'association Navdany (www.navdanyo.org/).
En Europe, récemment, l'Union Européenne a confirmé que les Etats membres ne peuvent pas s'opposer aux directives communautaires qui prévoient l'introduction de semences génétiquement modifiées résistantes aux glyphosphates. Ceci va provoquer l'usage intensif du pesticide cancérogène et de graines génétiquement modifiées.
Nous faisons remarquer en outre que Monsanto a constitué la Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS ou table ronde du soja responsable),ainsi que la Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO ou table ronde de l'huile de palme durable), associations dans lequel des représentants de Monsanto et de WWF certifient le durabilité écologique des cultures d'huile de palmier et soja Monsanto.
Mais comment des cultures transgéniques qui utilisent des pesticides cancérogènes, voire néfastes pour le foetus et qui se développent par la destruction des petits exploitants et de la biodiversité qu'ils protègent peuvent-elles êtres considérées comme éco-responsables ?
De nombreuses zones où travaille Monsanto font l'objet de déforestation. C'est ainsi que la forêt amazonienne a été partiellement détruite pour faire de la place aux cultures de Monsanto.
Des membres de WWF ainsi que des représentants de Monsanto sont membres d'organisations telles que les RTRS et RSPO. Ces dernières certifient que les terrains où Monsanto implante ses cultures sont issus de "déforestation responsable".
Nous croyons pertinent rappeler que l'existence de grands territoires de la forêt amazonienne a déjà été ménacée par les projets hydroélectriques de beaucoup d'états sudaméricains, projets qui sont mis en oeuvre en forçant les populations locales, dernières réprésentantes de cultures antiques. à abandonner leur propre terre et leurs coutûmes. C'est un veritable nettoyage ethnique perpétré par les fabricants de brique et les grandes entreprises de l'énérgie à l'encontre des indigènes sudaméricains. Par exemple, a Belo Monte, au Brésil, les indigènes voient leur propre existence et celle de leur communauté menacée à cause du grand projet de barrage hydroelectrique de Norte Energia. Contre cette digue, qui va submerger plusieurs hectares de forêt, assécher le fleuve Xingu et mettre en peril l'existence même d'un grand nombre de populations indigènes, OperationGreenRights s'est battue et se battra toujours.
D'autres terres ont été volées à la forêt amazonienne par la RS 163, la route des plus importants traffics de la terre : de celui de la cocaine à celui du niobium*.
Avec cette opération nous voulons mettre sur le même plan Monsanto et une organisation mondiale qu'on nous avait appris à apprecier: WWF.
Nous sommes détérminés à lutter contre ces méfaits internationaux, qui voient comme protagonistes des entités gouvernamentales ainsi que des ONG créées et subventionnées par des multinationales et des Ẽtats. Nous souhaitons faire grandir l'engagement des citoyens, à combattre avec moralité, les actions humaines les plus indignes.
Monsanto, WWF: aucune table ronde, aucun certificat de durabilité écologique ne pourra réparer les dommages causés aux forêts par l'agriculture intensive. Vos feuilles de papier ne vont pas rendre le sol utilisé dans vos cultures moins empoisonné par le Round Up, pesticide à base de gylphosphate que Monsanto elle-même produit et utilise. Vos garanties inutiles et de façade ne vont pas dédommager les fermiers paraguayens pour la violente campagne d'éloignement des terres que la réforme agraire leur a confié.
Monsanto, rien ne peut cacher le massacre social et écologique que la diffusion de vos semences et pesticides est en train de générer partout dans le monde.

We are coming,
We are anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us!

 17 september TARGET DDOS:

LEAKS from the Operation : http://pastebin.com/M1QzDBYJ

Update SOON!


17 Sept:" A Call to Action for a Non-Hierarchical Occupation of Monsanto Everywhere " #Occupy Monsanto

Operation Green Rights will be there with you.

This is a Call to Action for a Non-Hierarchical Occupation of Monsanto Everywhere
Whether you like it or not, chances are Monsanto contaminated the food you ate today with chemicals and GMOs. Monsanto controls much of the world's food supply at the expense of food democracy worldwide. This site is dedicated to empowering citizens of the world to take action against Monsanto during the week of September 17th, 2012.

WORLDWIDE – An expanding network of concerned individuals known as Occupy Monsanto has emerged over the past 8 months staging numerous protests at companies connected to the global trade of genetically engineered foods, also known as GMOs. The network announced today that on September 17, 2012 protests will begin for an entire week in St. Louis, home of the Monsanto Corporation, and across the US including California where voters will decide if they will label GMOs this election and worldwide in Argentina, Canada, Germany, India, Philippines, and other countries where concern over GMO impact on the environment and human health is growing.
The protests will vary in size and nature but are unified in pushing back GMO food into the lab from which it came. An interactive map with times, dates and locations of the 60+ protests can be found at http://occupy-monsanto.com/genetic-crimes-unit/ .
Occupy Monsanto means to confront the industrial agriculture system head-on. Some protests could result in widespread arrests of people who choose to engage in non-violent civil disobedience. Despite the peaceful nature of these planned protests, organizers are concerned about surveillance of Occupy-Monsanto.com by the US Department of Homeland Security and law enforcement agencies worldwide. Nevertheless Occupy Monsanto protests will feature costumes made of bio-hazmat protective gear that can also protect against pepper spray from police who have routinely attacked occupy protests in the past year.
“There is something wrong when a chemical manufacturer, the same company who made Agent Orange, controls the US food supply,” says Jaye Crawford, a member of the Genetic Crimes Unit in Atlanta, Georgia that has planned a week of events. Info: http://occupy-monsanto.com/atlanta-gcu-schedule-of-events/ .
“Wall Street and the American political elite have underestimated and even ignored our potential to effect rational policy change on GMOs which would include labeling for GMOs and restrictions on GMO cultivation,” says Gene Etic an anti-GMO campaigner based in Washington, DC. “If Occupy Monsanto’s anti-GMO actions are successful, after September 17 the media and increasingly more voters will ask tough questions about these experimental GMO crops especially within the context of the Presidential election, as that office holds the power to determine American food policy,” says Etic.
“People are stirred by the evidence that GMO foods compromise human health,” says Rica Madrid, a member of the Genetic Crime Unit of Occupy Monsanto. “Politicians and their sponsoring corporations ignore public outcry over GMOs to protect huge profits over health. Since GMOs’ introduction to the food supply in the mid 1990’s, food allergies have expanded according to Center for Disease Control data,” says Madrid.
“By purchasing influence via massive campaign donations, Monsanto ensures the essential duties of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are neglected. One example of this corporate coup is President Obama’s appointment of Michael Taylor, former Monsanto Vice-President and legal council for the chemical company, to head the FDA’s food safety efforts despite his obvious conflict of interest,” says Ariel Vegosen, a member of the Genetic Crimes Unit. She adds, “Monsanto is the biggest maker of genetically engineered crops so it must be stopped before it is too late to shift to healthy organic agriculture practices as a result of widespread genetic contamination by GMOs. ‘Coexistence’ as defined by the USDA of Organic and GMO crops is a myth.”
“At the US State Department it’s apparent Monsanto has duped leaders in Africa to ask the US for foreign aid in the form of GMO technology and equipment,” says Monsanto shareholder Adam Eidinger who last year walked from New York to the White House in Washington, DC with hundreds of other food activists to demand labeling of GMO foods. “The generous use of US tax dollars, endorsed by the likes of rock-star Bono and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a former legal council for Monsanto, is actually another taxpayer funded subsidy for Monsanto’s pesticide and herbicide hungry crops.”
Occupy Monsanto will be heard at the offices and facilities linked in the GMO food system. In St. Louis a major anti-GMO conference will take place in the same location as the ‘12th International Symposium on GMO Safety.’ A lead organizer of the conference is Barbara Chicherio who believes, “’Monsanto’s push to control agriculture and what people are eating poses a great threat not only to consumers in the US, but to farmers and communities throughout Latin America, Africa and Asia.” Info on the conference is at http://gmofreemidwest.org/ .

Media may arrange interviews with Occupy-Monsanto.com by contacting Adam Eidinger at 202-744-2671 or write to gmo@Occupy-Monsanto.com Visit http://Occupy-Monsanto.com for more information and to see video and photos of protests from earlier this year. All images and video are available for free and unrestricted use by members of the media.

Non-Hierarchical Occupation of Monsanto Everywhere
Whether you like it or not, chances are Monsanto contaminated the food you ate today with chemicals and GMOs. Monsanto controls much of the world's food supply at the expense of food democracy worldwide. This site is dedicated to empowering citizens of the world to take action against Monsanto during the week of September 17th, 2012.

There are hundreds of Monsanto facilities for your protest convenience. Pick your poison on our Facilities page...

Do you want to make signs, banners or props? Will people dress in costumes? Are you bringing tents, noisemakers, media recording devices? Will you perform a chant, speech, or ceremony? There are so many ways to express your outrage at Monsanto’s devastation of our food, health, and environment, and many considerations...

Join groups across the world for a global week of action at Monsanto facilities. Make this a week Monsanto will never forget as we unite with a single voice: OCCUPY MONSANTO!

 article from: http://occupy-monsanto.com


#OpColtan, other datas found by GreenRights the protest continue

#OpColtan  mass database Leaks Release 
special thanks to MexicanH Team and other Anon who help us.
Anonymous OperationGreenRights #Opcoltan press ENG

In 1998 a war for coltan growed up. This had been prooved by UN's trial .

Firms like  Nokia,Sony,Apple,Siemens,Philips, etc... where indirectly involved in the  war because they buought a lot of coltan and other mineral exactly when the  conflict was developing. Now there is a new war in Congo and these companies are still using a lot of coltan and ores.

1998 was fourteen years ago.

Fourteen years is a long time but nevertheless Philips, Siemens have not developed any substitute for coltan.

They prefer to improve coltan based brevet and destroy nature and people.


Our attention turns to you, unscrupulously and greedy multinationals.
Behind your famous commercial images, fabricated and marked on an false Ethic, the most cruel barbarites are hidden.
Coltan,  the mineral that you use to produce capacitors of mobile phones,   besides being harmful to health, is also the sick result of enviromental  rape and enslavement of underdeveloped populations.
His  gruesome traffic conceal the abuse of human rights and the dirty,  imperialist war, wich is the daughter of greed and contempt of life in  all its meanings.
We can not remain indifferent to greedy profiteers whose revenues are  derived from the suffering of a colonized, oppressed and  exploited  people, forced to work in inhuman conditions and paid with meager  wages.
We also can not remain indifferent to the accomplices of environmental devastation.
Your work is unworthy: if you break the Life, we violate your sites.

Appeal  to the Citizens of the World: while self-styled advertising campaigns  boast the next technological item, thousands of children are deprived of  their childhood, their bloody hands don't know what a toy is, and they excavate constantly, searching for a mineral wich is harmful to health. Thousands of fathers and mothers also work up to 72 hours without any  protection, being enslaved and humiliated. Coltan is deleterious for  human rights, for environment, and also for health. Do not be complicit  in this mess, make your voice heard, read up, stand up, fight to restore  dignity to those who are without because of the dirty work of "democratic" giants of marketing.
"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." (Elie Wiesel)

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect Us!

La nostra attenzione si rivolge a voi, avide Multinazionali senza alcuno scrupolo.
Dietro  le vostre celeberrime immagini commerciali, costruite ad arte ed  improntate su un'Etica solo apparente, si celano le barbarie più truci.
Il  coltan, minerale che impiegate  per produrre i condensatori dei  cellulari, oltre ad essere nocivo per la salute è il frutto malato dello  stupro ambientale e della riduzione in schiavitù delle popolazioni  sottosviluppate.  Dietro il suo macabro traffico si celano la  prevaricazione dei diritti Umani e una sporca guerra imperialista figlia  della cupidigia e sprezzante della Vita in tutte le sue accezioni.
Non  possiamo rimanere indifferenti davanti ad ingordi profittatori i cui  introiti derivano dalla sofferenza di un popolo colonizzato, oppresso e  sfruttato, costretto a lavorare in condizioni disumane e retribuito con  miseri salari.
Non possiamo rimanere impassibili dinanzi ai complici della  devastazione Ambientale.
Il vostro operato è indegno: se voi violate la Vita, noi violiamo i vostri siti.

Appello  ai Cittadini del Mondo: mentre sedicenti campagne pubblicitarie  millantano l'ultimo nato nella casa dei colossi tecnologici, migliaia di  bimbi vengono privati della loro infanzia; le loro mani   insanguinate  non sanno cosa sia un giocattolo, e scavano continuamente alla ricerca  di un minerale deleterio per la salute. Migliaia di padri e di madri  lavorano anche fino a 72 ore di fila senza tutela alcuna, schiavizzati,  umiliati. Il Coltan è deleterio per i diritti Umani, per l'ambiente, per  la salute. Non siate complici di questo scempio, fate sentire la vostra  voce, documentatevi, ribellatevi, combattete per restituire una dignità  a chi ne è privo per opera dei “democraticissimi” colossi del  marketing.
“Prendi  posizione. La neutralità favorisce sempre l'oppressore, non la vittima.  Il silenzio incoraggia sempre il torturatore, mai il torturato.” (Elie  Wiesel)

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Forgive
We do not Forget
Expect Us!

Nuestra atención se dirige a ustedes, multinacionales sin escrúpulos y codiciosas.
Detrás de sus famosas imágenes comerciales fabricados y marcados en una Ética falsa, las más crueles barbaries están ocultas.
Coltán, el mineral que ustedes usan para producir condensadores de teléfonos móviles, además de ser perjudicial para la salud, es también el enfermo resultado de una violación ambiental y la esclavitud de poblaciones subdesarrolladas. Su macabro tráfico de ocultar el abuso de los derechos humanos y la guerra sucia, imperialista, la cual es hija de la codicia y el desprecio de la vida en todas sus acepciones.
No podemos permanecer indiferentes ante los especuladores codiciosos cuyos ingresos se derivan del sufrimiento de un colonizados, oprimidos y explotados, obligados a trabajar en condiciones inhumanas y pagado con exiguos salarios.
Asimismo, no podemos permanecer indiferentes ante los cómplices de la devastación del medio ambiente.
Su trabajo es indigno: si ustedes rompen la vida, nosotros violamos sus sitios.

Apelación a los ciudadanos del mundo: Mientras que con estilo-propio las campañas de publicidad cuentan con el próximo elemento tecnológico, miles de niños se ven privados de su infancia, sus manos manchadas de sangre no son un juguete, y excavan constantemente en busca de un mineral que es perjudicial para la salud. Miles de padres y madres trabajan hasta 72 horas sin ningún tipo de protección, son esclavizados y humillados. El coltan es perjudicial para los derechos humanos, para el medio ambiente, y también para la salud. No seamos cómplices de este desastre, hacer oír su voz, leer, ponerse de pie, luchar para devolver la dignidad a aquellos que no la tienen por el trabajo sucio de los "democráticos" los gigantes de la comercialización.
"Siempre tenemos que tomar partido. La neutralidad ayuda al opresor, nunca a la víctima. El silencio alienta al verdugo, nunca al atormentado".(Elie Wiesel)

Somos Anonymous
Somos Legión
No perdonamos
No olvidamos

This act from Anonymous is not intended to damage anyone. Our aim is to show information that otherwise people would ignore. #OperationGreenRights n1.3) Right to online demonstration

SIEMENS DB siemens.ch  LEAKS part 1

NEW SIEMENS DB siemens.ch LEAKS part 2 + Press (ENG-ITA_ESP)

password ,contacts etc.. from the site database advance.philips.com data release

 database fujitsugeneral.com.br (Press + Leaks)


[update 27/08/2012] AVX you are guilty for crimes against Congo's Nature and people

AVX It's a big firm wich produce ceramic and tantalum capacitors, connectors, thick and thin film capacitors, resistors and integrated passive components.

AVX was directly involved in Congo war of 1998.
UN accused AVX, and many other firms to be interested in illegal coltan extraction and war in DRC
( Democratic Repubblic of Congo )
Usually Coltan was stolen by war groups from Congo mines and carried out to the firms.
Million of people lost their lives in Congo war, nature was destroied in order to dig coltan and a lots of gorillas were killed.
Unfortunatelly UN decided to abandon the case and never punish the responsibles of the war an nature devastation.

Coltan, and more other minerals, are digged whith bare hands with an exhausting and unsafe work. 
Coltan is quite radioactive so miners have terrible illness.
Also a commitee by the english government called RAID collected imputations against TRAXYS and other firms involved in Congo war. Mrs Feeney was an important member of RAID's committee.
She said that UN received strong pressures from USA and other counrties in order to stop the trial,she also said that the accuses were true.
So,now in 2012 the situation in Congo is not far from 1998. A civil war has grew up in Kivu, east Congo, in 2012 and it's due to the warlord Mr.Ntaganda formerly involved in 1998 war for coltan. We underline that
Kivu in very rich in coltan mines. So we know that AVX was directly involved in Congo's
war in 1998 but no one force them to pay for their crimes and in 2012 no one can guarantee that AVX is not taking coltan from Congo's war areas.

AVX and other involved firms published an ethical code in 2010; they claim that they don't get tantalium from war areas.
NOW a new civil war is growing up in Congo and is totally hypocrite to share DRC in different areas in order to say that some of these are war free.
AVX, UN trial refused to punish you, but operationgreenrights doesn't forget.
AVX, is the time to pay for your crimes, the trial is the whole mankind.

Our aim is to controll every single data of the aforementioned database. Ovbiously the Dump is very big, so we invite people and journalist to controll the datas personally. At a first look we notice that the db contain a long list of email contacts from the majors of  technology.
This proof that big firms like Microsoft, Siemens, Motorola, etc. are still buying technology from AVX.
Majors, as everyone knows that AVX had been formerly accused by UN, but they are not interested about so they continue to pay AVX in order to produce parts for cellphone, computers etc.
We release the dump of database from www.avx.com so that everyone can investigate in order to proof your misdeeds.

We ask for a new trial by the UN in order to invesitgate AVX's activities and other major companies in the DRC and in other war areas.
Naturally, the bad working conditions of miners and the respect for the ecosystem should be investigated.
At the moment, Anonymous #Operationgreenrights continues in its effort to sort out the truth about the illegal ore trade.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We don't forget.
We don't forgive.
Expect us!

Press FRA # OperationGreenRights OpColtan fase II Press AVX

AVX vous êtes coupable de crimes contre la nature et les gens du Congo

AVX c 'est une grand entreprise qui fait des condensateurs et des connecteurs en céramique et le tantale, condensateurs contre vents et marées (film), des résistances et des composants passifs intégrés

AVX  a été directement impliqués dans la guerre au Congo de 1998.

Des Nations Unies accusé AVX et de nombreuses autres entreprises de s'intéresser à l'extraction du coltan illégale et de la guerre en RDC (République démocratique du Congo).
Habituellement, le coltan a été volé par des groupes de guerre des mines du Congo et apporter aux entreprises.
Des millions de personnes ont perdu leurs vies dans la guerre au Congo, la nature a été détruit pour extraire le coltan et les gorilles ont été tués.
Malheureusement, les Nations Unies ont décidé d'abandonner l'affaire et de ne pas punir les responsables de la dévastation de la nature à cause de la guerre.

Le coltan et d'autres minerais sont extraits à mains nues un travail éreintant et dangereux.
Le coltan est très radioactifs pour de nombreux mineurs ont une maladie terrible.
En outre, une commission du gouvernement britannique appelé RAID recueilli des accusations contre Traxys et les entreprises des autres personnes impliquées dans la guerre au Congo. Mme Feeney était un membre éminent du Comité RAID.
Elle a déclaré que les Nations Unies ont reçu de fortes pressions des États-Unis et d'autres pays, afin d'arrêter le processus, il a également dit que l'accusation était vraie. Donc, maintenant en 2012, la situation au Congo n'est pas loin de 1998. Une guerre civile a grandi dans le Kivu, dans l'est du Congo, en 2012 et est due à M. Ntaganda seigneur de la guerre qui a été impliqué, en 1998, une bataille pour le coltan. nous soulignons que
Kivu très riche en mines de coltan. Nous savons donc que AVX a été directement impliqué dans la guerre au Congo
en 1998, mais personne ne les oblige à payer pour leurs crimes en 2012 et nul ne peut garantir que vous ne prenez pas AVX coltan provenant des zones de guerre du Congo.

Donc, maintenant en 2012, la situation au Congo n'est pas loin de 1998. Une guerre civile a grandi dans le Kivu, dans l'est du Congo, en 2012 et est due à M. Ntaganda seigneur de la guerre qui a été impliqué, en 1998, une bataille pour le coltan. nous soulignons que
Kivu très riche en mines de coltan. Nous savons donc que AVX a été directement impliqué dans la guerre au Congo
en 1998, mais personne ne les oblige à payer pour leurs crimes en 2012 et nul ne peut garantir que vous ne prenez pas AVX coltan provenant des zones de guerre du Congo.

Notre objectif est de vérifier chaque élément de données dans la base de données ci-dessus. Évidemment, le dump est très large, de façon à inviter les gens et les journalistes à vérifier les données à caractère personnel. Au premier coup d'œil, vous remarquerez que la base de données contient une longue liste de contacts e-mail de la technologie majeure.
Cela prouve que les grandes entreprises telles que Microsoft, Siemens, Motorola, etc, continuent d'acheter la technologie à partir AVX.
Comme chacun le sait AVX avait été autrefois accusé par l'ONU, mais ces majors ne sont pas intéressés, et ils continuent à payer AVX afin de produire des pièces pour téléphone portable, ordinateurs, etc
Nous avons publié le dump de base de données à partir www.avx.com afin que chacun puisse enquêter en vue de la preuve de vos méfaits.

Nous demandons un nouveau procès par les Nations Unies, afin de invesitgare activités AVX ee des autres majors en RDC et dans les zones de guerre Latre.
Bien sûr, les mauvaises conditions de travail des mineurs et le respect de l'écosystème devrait être étudiée.
Actuellement, L '# Operationgreenrights d'Anonymous poursuit ses efforts pour faire ressortir la vérité sur le commerce illicite des minerais.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We don't forget.
We don't forgive.
Expect us!

Press ESP # OperationGreenRights OpColtan fase II Press AVX

AVX Es una gran firma cual producir condensadores de cerámica y tantalio, conectores, condensadores de película gruesa y fina integrados, resistencias y componentes pasivos.
AVX estuvo involucrado directamente en el Congo la guerra de 1998.
ONU acusa AVX, y muchas otras empresas a interesarse en la extracción de coltán ilegal y la guerra en la RDC
(Repubblic Democrática del Congo)
Por lo general, Coltan es robado por grupos de guerra de minas del Congo y llevadas a cabo para las empresas.
Millones de personas perdieron sus vidas en la guerra del Congo, la naturaleza fue destruida para cavar coltán y una gran cantidad de gorilas muertos.
Desafortunadamente ONU decidió abandonar el caso y nunca castigar a los responsables de la guerra una devastación naturaleza.
Coltan, y minerales más otros, se cavó un poco con las manos desnudas con un trabajo agotador y peligroso.
El coltan es muy radiactivo para los mineros tienen una enfermedad terrible.
También un comité del gobierno Inglés llamado RAID recogen imputaciones contra Traxys y otras empresas involucradas en el Congo la guerra. Sra. Feeney era un miembro importante del comité RAID.
Dijo que la ONU recibió fuertes presiones de EE.UU. y otros counrties con el fin de detener el juicio, ella también dijo que la acusa eran ciertas.
Así, ya en 2012, la situación en el Congo no está lejos de 1998. Una guerra civil ha crecido en Kivu, en el este del Congo, en 2012, y es debido a la Mr.Ntaganda señor de la guerra participado antes en 1998, la guerra por el coltán. Ponemos de relieve que
En Kivu muy rica en minas de coltán. Así que sabemos que AVX estaba directamente involucrado en la guerra del Congo
en 1998, pero no una fuerza que paguen por sus crímenes y en 2012 no se puede garantizar que no se está AVX robando coltan de las zonas de guerra del Congo.
AVX y otras empresas involucradas publicado un código de ética en 2010, afirman que no reciben tantalio de las zonas de guerra.
Ahora una nueva guerra civil está creciendo en el Congo y es totalmente hipócrita para compartir República Democrática del Congo en diferentes áreas con el fin de decir que algunos de estos son guerra gratuita.
AVX, ONU primera instancia se negó a castigar, pero OperationGreenRights no olvida.
AVX, es el momento de pagar por sus crímenes, el juicio es la humanidad entera.

Liberamos el volcado de la base de datos de www.avx.com para que todos puedan investigar para probar las fechorías.
    Somos Anonymous.
    Somos legión.
    No olvidamos.
    No perdonamos.

AVX HACKED - DUMP data from www.avx.com
LINKs : http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/paste/show.php?id=366c1005d5065780&plaintext=1


ESP VERSION  http://privatepaste.com/download/08d049f51f

UPDATE 27/08/2012

AVX tantalum site TANGO DOWN! avxtantalum.com 

AVX leaks continue complete part of the Customer table: "dbo.clientRequest" 
[2258 entries] from www.avx.com   contact from Intel, Motorola, Siemens etc..